首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >The chemistry of the lsquo;insoluble redrsquo; woods. Part XII. Some reactions of isoflavylium salts

The chemistry of the lsquo;insoluble redrsquo; woods. Part XII. Some reactions of isoflavylium salts




1976 1389The Chemistry of the ' Insoluble Red 'Woods. Part X1I.l Some Reactionsof lsoflavylium SaltsBy Mohga M. E. Badran and W. Basil Whalley," The School of Pharmacy, The University of London, LondonVarious methoxyisoflavylium perchlorates have been condensed with NN-dimethylaniline to yield 2-substitutedflav-3-enes' which were oxidised to the corresponding, highly coloured, 2-(p-dimethylaminophenyl) isoflavyliumWClN 1AXsalts.FLAVYLIUM salts (functioning as electrophiles) rapidlycondense with NN-dimethylaniline to furnish 293 4-sub-stituted flavylium derivatives, of type (1). We nowreport the results of an analogous investigation with iso-flavylium salts which are readily available from our earlierre~earch.~The present work was prompted by our continuinginterest in the ' insoluble red ' woods, which furnish,inter alia, the complex anhydrobenzopyranol basessantalinl and santarubin,l to which we have assignedthe structural type (2).More recently, unequivocalevidence for these structures has been provided byMerlini et aLs These pigments exhibit a novel andunique combination of two C,, flavanoid equivalents, andone possible biogenetic mode for achieving the first phaseof biosynthesis would be as illustrated in (3), a processwhich would also simply and elegantly explain the co-occurrence of the isomeric santalin and santarubin.To test the general validity of this hypothesis we haveinvestigated the behaviour of isoflavylium salts asPart XI, D. W. Mathieson, B. J. Millard, J. W.Powell, andR. Wizinger and H. Luthiger, Helv. Chim. Acta, 1953,36, S26.M. Blackburn, G. B. Sankey, A. Robertson, and W. B.W. B. Whalley, J.C.S. Perkin I, 1973, 184.Whalley, J . Chem. SOC., 1957, 1573.potential electrophiles. Thus, when a solution of 7-methoxyisoflavylium perchlorate (4) and NN-dimethyl-aniline in methanol was warmed on a steam-bath amixture of the benzopyranol methyl ether (5; R = OMe)and a product formulated as 2-(fi-amp;methylaminophenyl)-7-methoxyisoflav-3-ene (6) was rapidly formed. Thecondensation proceeded even more readily, and in almostquantitative yield, in the absence of a solvent. Then.m.r. spectrumof (6) has signals at 7 7.15 (6 H, s, NMe,),6.36 (3 H, s, OMe), and 2.60-3.80 (14 H, m, aromatic),and was not very informative concerning the structure.The U.V.spectrum A,, 209,257, and 335 nm (log e 4.54,4.67, and 4.27) was similar to that of 7-methoxy-2-methylisoflav-3-ene (5; R = Me) A,, 210, 245, and323 nm (log E 4.32, 4.24, and 4.43) and to that of themethyl ether of 7-methoxy-3-phenylbenzopyranol (5 ;R = OMe) A,, 210, 247, and 323 nni (log e 4.39, 4.20,and 4.45) ; this correspondence clearly supported struc-ture (6) as opposed to the alternative (7). This con-clusion is in accord with general theoretical principles.* C . A. Anirudhan, W. B. Whalley, and M. M. E. Badran, J.A. Arnone, L. Camarda, L. Merlini, and G. Nasini, J.C.S.Chem. SOC., 1966, 629.Perkin I, 1975, 1861390 J.C.S. Perkin IHydrogenation of the isoflavene (6) readily gave theisoflavan (euro;9, the n.m.r.spectrum of which exhibitedsignals at T 7.12 (6 H, s, NMe,), 6.92 (2 H, m, CH,),6.55 (I H, m, benzylic proton at C-3), 6.12 (3 H, s, OMe),4.62 (1 H, d, 0-CH), and 2.75-3.38 (12 H, m, aromatic).Comparison of these data with those for the correspond-ing 7-methoxyisoflavan , (9) confirms the structure (6).The isoflav-3-ene (6) formed a monopicrate, a methiodide,and a methosulphate.Oxidation of the isoflav-3-ene (6) occurred most readilyin ethereal solution with hydrogen chloride to form thecolourless 3-phenylbenzopyran-2-01 as a gum, character-ised as the intensely coloured picrate (10; R = C,H,N,-0,), the perchlorate (10; R = ClO,) and tetrachloro-ferrate (10; R = FeCl,). The cation may also bewritten as (ll).The isoflav-3-ene (6) is very resistant to the action ofd';CH( 6 )N Me,( 7 )alkali. Oxidation with potassium permanganate fur-nished (i) 4-dimethylaminobenzil (12; R = Me), (ii) 4-methylaminobenzil (12 ; R = H), (iii) 4-(N-methyl-formamido)benzil (12; R = CHO), and (iv) 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzoic acid.( 8 ) 191(10)(11) (121Similar series of derivatives were prepared by theaction of NN-dimethylaniline upon 2',7-dimethoxy-,3',4',7-trimethoxy-, and 4',5,7-trimethoxy-isoflavyliumperchlorates.The ease of condensation of NN-dimethylaniline with4', 5,7-t rime t hoxyisoflavylium perchlorat e is convincingcollateral evidence for the occurrence of substitution atC-2; we have established previously3 that a C-5 sub-stituent in the flavylium system essentially inhibits sub-stitution at C-4.These results provide a priori evidence for the generalvalidity of the concept that the illustrated mechanism(3) is a feasible step in the biosynthetic derivation ofsantalin and its congeners from an isoflavanoid residueand an equivalent open chain C,, unit.EXPERIMENTALLight petroleum refers to the fraction of b.p.60-80".Derivatives of 7-Metlaoxyiso~avylium Perchlorate.-A mix-ture of 7-methoxyisoflavylium perchlorate (0.3 g) and NN-dimethylaniline (0.3 ml) was warmed on a steam-bath for1-2 min; methanol (5 ml) was then added. Purificationof the crystalline precipitate from methanol gave 2-(p-dimethylamino~henyl)-7-methoxyisoflav-3-ene (6) (0.28 g) inneedles, m.p.151" Found: C, 80.5; H, 6.5; N, 4.0; OMe,9.2. C,,H,,NO(OMe) requires C, 80.6; H, 6.5; N, 3.9;OMe, 8.7 I. Prepared quantitatively in alcoholic solution,the picrate formed golden-yellow plates, m.p. 184" (decomp.)Found: C, 61.8; H, 4.5; N, 9.2; OMe, 5.5. C,,H,,N,O,-(OMe) requires C, 61.4; H, 4.5; N, 9.5; OMe, 5.3y0.Hydrogenation of this isoflav-3-ene (60 mg) dissolved inethanol (60 ml) containing 5 palladium-carbon (25 mg)proceeded rapidly to yield 2-(p-dimethy2um,zinophenyl)-7-rnethoxyisojhww (8) (40 mg), which separated from ethanolinneedles, m.p. 125" (Found: C, 79.9; H, 7.0; N, 3.9; OMe,7.1. C,,H,,Tbsol;;O, requires C, 80.2; H, 7.0; N, 3.9; OMe,8.6). The picrate formed yellow needles, m.p. 167"(decomp.) (from ethanol) (Found: C, 61.2; H, 4.9; N, 9.1.C,OH,,N,O, requires C, 61.2; H, 4.8; N, 9.5).Methyl1976 1391ation of the isoflavene (6) (25 mg) in boiling acetone (10 ml)containing an excess of methyl iodide during 4 h, gave thequaternary methiodide (25 mg), which formed plates, m.p.130" (deconip.) (from light petroleum-acetone-ethyl acetate)(Found: C, 59.6; H, 5.6; I, 24.2; N, 2.1. C,,H,,INO,requires C, 60.1; H, 5.2; I. 25.3; N, 2.8). Preparedsimilarly, the methosulphate formed needles, m.p. 163" (de-conip.) (from light petroleum) (Found: C, 63.9; H, 6.0;N, 2.6; S, 6.1. C,,H29N0,S requires C, 64.6; H, 6.0; N,3.0; S, 6.7).2- (p-Dimethylaminophenyl) -7-methoxy-3+henyl- l-benzo-pyra.~z-2-ol.-A solution of the isoflavene (6) (0.2 g) in ethylacetate (20 ml) was saturated at 0 "C with hydrogen chloride.The solution became intense blue-brown in colour; 24 hlater the mixture was diluted with methanol (20 ml) andthe solvent removed in vacuo.The residue was dissolvedin methanol (20 ml) containing sodium acetate and thecolourless solution was diluted with water (50 ml). Theproduct was extracted with chloroform t o yield 2-(p-dimethylaminophenyl)-7-methoxy-3-phenyl- l-benzopyran-2-01 as a gum. Prepared from a solution of this pyranol inmethanol by addition of 60 perchloric acid, 2-(p-dimethyl-aminopli enyl) -7-methoxyisoflavylium perchlorate formed in-tensely blue needles, m.p. 262" (decomp.) (Found: C, 62.6;H, 4.8; C1, 7.9; N, 2.8. C,4H,,ClN06 requires C, 63.3; H,4.9 ; C1, 7.8 ; N, 3.1 yo). The picrate separated from ethanolin olive-green plates, m.p.221" (decomp.) (Found: C, 61.2;H, 4.1; N, 9.3. Camp;,,N4Og requires C, 61.6; H, 4.1; N,9.6). The tetrachloroferrate separated from methanol indark blue rosettes, m.p. 177" (decomp.) (Found: C, 51.5;H, 3.9; Fe, 9.5; N, 2.0. C,,H,,Cl,FeNO, requires C , 52.0;H, 4.0; Fe, 10.1; N, 2.5).Oxidative DegradatioN of the Isoflav-3-ene (6) .-Potassiumpermanganate (1 g) in water (27 ml) was added during 5 ht o a solution of the isoflav-3-ene (0.2 g) in acetone (25 ml)(with stirring). The products from three oxidations wereisolated in the normal manner and combined to yield (i) 4-dimethylaminobenzil (30 mg), m.p. 114" (Found: C, 75.4;H, 6.1; N, 5.8. Cak. for C16H15N02: c, 75.8; H, 6.0; N,5.5y0), identical with an authentic specimen ; (ii) 4-methyl-aminobend (25 mg) in yellow prisms, m.p.85" (from lightpetroleum) (Found: C, 75.1; H, 5.5; N, 6.0. C,,Hl,NO,requires C, 75.3; H, 5.4; N, 5.9), vmx. 1 630 (CEO), 1 670( G O ) , and 3 370 cm-l (NH), 7 1.93-3.53 (9 H, m, ArH),5.33br (1 H, s, NH), and 7.10 (3 H, s, NMe); (iii) 4-(N-methylformamido) bend (10 mg), which separated from lightpetroleum in yellow needles, m.p. 118" (Found: C, 71.5;H, 4.8; K, 5.6. Cl,Hlamp;O, requires C, 71.9; H, 4.9; N,5.2y0), "; 0.28 (1 H, s, CHO), 1.80-2.73 (9 H, m, ArH), and6.63 (3 H, s, NMe) ; (iv) 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzoic acid(20 nig), identical with an authentic specimen.Derivatives of 4', 7-Dimethoxyiso~avyliunz Perchlorate.-Prepared from this perchlorate (0.1 g) and dimethylaniline(0.1 ml) , 2-(p-divnethylaminophenyl)-4', 7-dimethoxyisoflav-3-ene formed needles (80 mg), m.p.128" (from methanol)Found: C, 77.2; H, 6.3; N, 3.4; OMe, 16.5. C,,HlgNO-(OMe), requires C, 77.5; H, 6.5; N, 3.6; OMe, 16.070.The picrate separated from ethanol in golden-brown needles,m.p. 161" (decomp.) (Found: C, 60.9; H, 4.6; N, 8.6.C31H,,N40,0 requires C, 60.4; H, 4.6; N, 9.1).2- (p-Dimethylaminophenyl) -7-niethoxy-3- (4-methoxy-pheny1)- 1-benzopyran-2-01 formed a colourless gum, theperchlorate of which separated from methanol in intenselygreen plates, n1.p. 233" (decomp.) (Found: C, 61.8; H,5.0; C1, 7.4; N, 2.5. C,,H,,ClNO, requires C, 61.8; H,5.0; C1, 7.3; N, 2.9). The picrate formed olive-greenplates, m.p.205" (decomp.) (from ethanol) (Found: C, 60.5;H, 4.3; N, 8.7. C3,H,,N,0,,requiresC, 60.6; H, 4.3; N,Hydrogenation of 2-(p-dimethylaminophenyl)-4',7-cli-methoxyisoflav-3-ene gave the isoflavan in needles, m.p.177" (fromethanol) Found: C, 76.7; H, 7.1; N, 3.5; OMe,16.8. C,,H,,NO(OMe), requires C, 77.1; H, 7.0; N, 3.6;OMe, 15.9. The picrate formed yellow needles, m.p.155' (decomp.) (from aqueous ethanol) (Found: C, 60.9;H, 5.1; N, 8.2. C,,H30N401, requires C, 60.2; H, 4.9; N,Derivatives of 2', 7-Dimethoxy isoflavylium Perchlorate .-Prepared in the usual manner, 2-(p-dimethylaminophenyl) -2',7-dimethoxyiso$av-3-ene formed needles, m.p. 131" (frommethanol) Found: C, 77.7; H, 6.6; N, 3.6; OMe, 16.1.C,3H,gNO(OMe), requires C, 77.5; H, 6.5; N, 3.6; OMe,16.0y0.The picrate separated from aqueous ethanol ingolden-yellow needles, m.p. 147" (decomp.) (Found : C,60.5; H, 4.6; N, 8.9. C3,H,,N40,, requires C, 60.4; H,4.6; N, 9.1).Although the corresponding benzopyranol was a gum,2-(p-dimethylamino~henyl)-2,7'-dimethoxyisoflavylium per-chlorate formed intensely blue needles, m.p. 278" (decomp.)(from methanol) (Found: C, 61.2; H, 5.0; N, 2.2. C,,H,,-CINO, requires C, 61.8; H, 5.0; N, 2.9). The picrateformed dark blue prisms, m.p. 244" (decomp.) (from ethanol)(Found: C, 61.5; H, 4.5; N, 9.4. C,,H,,N4010 requires C,60.6; H, 4.3; N, 9.1).Derivatives of 3',4', 7-Trinzethoxyisoflavyliunz Peych1orate.-Prepared in the usual manner, 2-(p-dimethylaminophenyl)-3',4', 7-trimethoxyisoflav-3-ene formed needles, m.p.80" (frommethanol) Found: C, 64.6; H, 6.25; N, 3.4; OMe, 22.6.C,,H,,NO(OMe), requires C, 74.8; H, 6.5; N, 3.4; OMe,22.3. The picrate separated from aqueous ethanol ingolden-yellow needles, m.p. 180" (decomp.) (Found : C,59.6; H, 4.8; N, 8.4. C,,H,,N40,, requires C, 59.4; H,4.7; N, 8.7).Oxidation of this isoflav-3-ene with hydrogen chlorideduring 24 h, in ethyl acetate, gave the unstable 2-(p-di-rnethylawinophenyl)-3',4', 7-trimethoxyisoflavylium chloride incherry-red needles, m.p. 149" (decomp.) (Found: C, 64.8;H, 5.8. C,,H,,C1N04 requires C , 64.1; H, 5.8). Theperchlorate formed intensely dark blue plates, m.p. 138" (de-camp.) (from methanol) (Found: C, 59.7; H, 5.1; C1, 6.9;N, 2.3. C2,H2amp;lN08 requires C, 50.6; H, 5.1; C1, 6.9;N, 2.7).The picrate separated from alcohol in dark blueprisms, m-p. 190" (decomp.) (Found: C, 59.7; H, 4.3; S,8.7. C32H,,N4011 requires C , 59.6; H, 4.4; N, 8.7).Derivatives of 4', 5,7-Trimethoxyisoflavylium Perchlorate.-The condensation product from NN-dimethylaniline andthis perchlorate was a gum, which was oxidised to 2-(p-dimethylaminophenyl) -5,7-dimethoxy-3- (4methoxyphenyl) -benzobpyran-2-01 (non-crystalline) . The perchlorate sep-arated from methanol as intensely green-blue leaflets, m.p.144" (decomp.) (Found: C, 59.7; H, 5.1; N, 2.3. C,,H,,-ClNO, requires C, 60.5; H, 5.1 ; N, 2.7). The correspond-ing picrate formed dark violet prisms, m.p. 180" (decomp.)(from ethanol) (Found: C, 59.4; H, 4.6; N, 8.6. C39H2,-N401, requires C, 59.6; H, 4.4; N, 8.7).Derivatives of 2',4',7-Trimethoxyisoflavylium Perchlorate.-2-(p-Dimethylaminophenyl) -2', 4', 7-trimethoxy isoflav-3-eneseparated from methanol in needles, m.p. 131" (Found: C,74.9; H, 6.6; N, 3.1. C,,H2,NO4 requires C, 74.8; H,9.1 Yo).9.1).H. Staudinger, Ber., 1913, 4, 3535J.C.S. Perkin I6.5; N, 3.4). The picrate formed green rosettes, m.p. The analyses were performed by Mr. G. Crouch and his168" (decornp.) (from aqueous ethanol) (Found: C, 69.5; associates. One of us (M. M. E. B.) is indebted to theH, 4.7; N, 8.5. C,,H,,,N,O,, requires C , 59.4; euro;3, 4.7; N, U.A.R. Government for financial assistance.8.7). 5/2271 Received, 19th November, 1975
机译:1976 1389“不溶性红”木材的化学。第 X1I.l 部分 lsoflavylium salts的一些反应作者:Mohga M. E. Badran 和 W. Basil Whalley,“伦敦大学药学院,伦敦各种甲氧基异黄烷高氯酸盐已与 NN-二甲基苯胺缩合,生成 2-取代的黄酮-3-烯,这些二氧化二烯被氧化成相应的高色 2-(对二甲氨基苯基)异黄酮WClN 1AXsalts.FLAVYLIUM 盐(作为亲电试剂)与 NN-二甲基苯胺迅速缩合,得到 293 4-取代黄酮衍生物,类型为(1)。现在,我们报告了对异黄酮盐的类似研究的结果,这些盐很容易从我们早期的re~earch.~目前的工作是由于我们对“不溶性红”木材的持续兴趣,这些木材除其他外,提供了复杂的脱水苯并吡喃醇碱ssantalinl和santarubin,l我们将其分配了结构类型(2)。最近,Merlini 等人为这些结构提供了明确的证据 这些色素表现出两种 C,、黄酮等价物的新颖而独特的组合,并且实现生物合成第一阶段的一种可能的生物遗传模式如 (3) 所示,这一过程也将简单而优雅地解释异构体桑他林和桑塔红素的共生。为了检验这一假设的一般有效性,我们研究了异黄酮盐的行为,如第十一部分,D. W. Mathieson, B. J. Millard, J. W.鲍威尔,和 R。Wizinger 和 H. Luthiger,Helv。噗噗。Acta, 1953,36, S26.M. Blackburn, G. B. Sankey, A. Robertson, and W. B.W. B. Whalley, J.C.S. Perkin I, 1973, 184.Whalley, J .Chem. SOC., 1957, 1573.电位亲电试剂.因此,当7-甲氧基异黄烷基高氯酸盐(4)和NN-二甲基苯胺在甲醇中的溶液在苯并吡喃醇甲醚(5;R = OMe),并迅速形成配制为2-(fi-&甲基氨基苯基)-7-甲氧基异黄素-3-烯(6)的产物。在没有溶剂的情况下,缩合过程更容易进行,并且收率几乎是定量的。然后,(6)的m.r.光谱在7 7.15 (6 H, s, NMe,)、6.36 (3 H, s, OMe)和2.60-3.80 (14 H, m, 芳香族)处有信号,对结构的信息量不大。U.V.光谱[A,,209,257和335 nm(log e 4.54,4.67和4.27)]与7-甲氧基-2-甲基异黄素-3-烯相似(5;R = Me) [A,, 210, 245, and 323 nm (log E 4.32, 4.24, and 4.43)] 和 7-甲氧基-3-苯基苯并吡喃醇乙醚 (5 ;R = OMe) [A,, 210, 247, and 323 nni (log e 4.39, 4.20, and 4.45)] ;这种对应关系显然支持结构(6),而不是备选方案(7)。这一结论符合一般理论原则。A. Anirudhan, W. B. Whalley, and M. M. E. Badran, J.A. Arnone, L. Camarda, L. Merlini, and G. Nasini, J.C.S.Chem. SOC., 1966, 629.Perkin I, 1975, 1861390 J.C.S.异黄酮的Perkin水原化反应(6)很容易得到异黄烷(€9,其n.m.r.谱在T 7.12(6 H,s,NMe),6.92(2 H,m,CH,),6.55(I H,m,C-3的苄基质子),6.12(3 H,s,OMe),4.62(1 H,d,0-CH)和2.75-3.38(12 H,m,芳香族)处表现出信号。将这些数据与相应的 7-甲氧基异黄烷 (9) 的数据进行比较,证实了结构 (6)。异黄素-3-烯 (6) 形成单硝酸盐、甲碘化物和甲硫酸盐。异黄黄-3-烯 (6) 在与氯化氢的空灵溶液中最容易发生氧化,形成无色的 3-苯基苯并吡喃-2-01 作为胶,其特征是颜色强烈的苦味酸盐 (10;R = C,H,N,-0,),高氯酸盐(10;R = ClO,)和四氯铁酸盐(10;R = 氯化铁,)。[阳离子也可以写成(ll)。异黄素-3-烯 (6) 对 d' 的作用具有很强的抵抗力;CH( 6 )N Me,( 7 )碱.用高锰酸钾氧化 (i) 4-二甲氨基苯甲酰 (12;R = Me), (ii) 4-甲氨基苯甲酰 (12 ;R = H), (iii) 4-(N-甲基甲酰胺基)联苯酰 (12;R = CHO)和(iv)2-羟基-4-甲氧基苯甲酸。( 8 ) 191(10)(11) (121 NN-二甲基苯胺对2',7-二甲氧基-,3',4',7-三甲氧基-和4',5,7-三甲氧基异黄烷基高氯酸盐的作用制备了类似的系列衍生物.NN-二甲基苯胺与4',5,7-t雾凇的易缩合性是取代atC-2的令人信服的附带证据;我们之前已经确定3,黄酮系统中的 C-5 取代基基本上抑制了 C-4 的取代。这些结果为这一概念的普遍有效性提供了先验证据,即所说明的机制(3)是从异黄酮类残基和等效的开链C,,单元生物合成衍生桑他林及其同系物的可行步骤。EXPERIMENTALLight petroleum 是指 b.p.60-80“ 的馏分。将7-甲氧基异~高氯酸鎓衍生物-7-甲氧基异黄酮高氯酸酯(0.3g)和NN-二甲基苯胺(0.3ml)的混合物在蒸汽浴中加热1-2分钟;然后加入甲醇(5ml)。从甲醇中提纯结晶沉淀得到2-(对二甲氨基~弛基)-7-甲氧基异黄素-3-烯(6)(0.28 g)针,熔点151“ [发现:C,80.5;H,6.5;N,4.0;OMe,9.2.C,,H,,NO(OMe) 需要 C, 80.6;H,6.5;N,3.9;OMe, 8.7 %I. 在酒精溶液中定量制备,苦味酸盐形成金黄色平板,熔点184“(分解)[发现:C,61.8;H,4.5;N,9.2;OMe,5.5。C,,H,,N,O,-(OMe) 需要 C, 61.4;H,4.5;N,9.5;OMe,5.3y0]。这种含有5%钯碳(25mg)的异黄素-3-烯(60mg)溶解的乙醇(60ml)的氢化迅速进行,得到2-(p-dimethy2um,zinophenyl)-7-rnethoxyisojhww(8)(40mg),从乙醇啉针中分离出来,熔点125“(发现:C,79.9;H,7.0;N,3.9;OMe,7.1.C,,H,,T\;O,要求C,80.2;H,7.0;N,3.9;OMe,8.6%)。苦味酸盐形成黄色针状物,熔点167“(decomp.)(来自乙醇)(发现:C,61.2;H,4.9;N,9.1.C,OH,,N,O,需要C,61.2;H,4.8;N,9.5%)。Methyl1976 1391将异黄酮(6)(25mg)在含有过量甲基碘的沸腾丙酮(10ml)中煮沸4小时,得到季碘化物(25mg),其形成平板,m.p.130“(deconip.)(来自轻石油丙酮乙酸乙酯)(发现:C,59.6;H,5.6;我,24.2;N,2.1。C,,H,,INO,需要C,60.1;H,5.2;一、25.3;N,2.8%)。制备类似地,甲基硫酸盐形成针状,m.p. 163“ (de-conip.)(来自轻石油)(发现:C,63.9;H,6.0;N,2.6;S,6.1。C,,H29N0,S 需要 C, 64.6;H,6.0;N,3.0;S,6.7%).2-(对二甲氨基苯基)-7-甲氧基-3+弛基-L-苯并吡喃.~z-2-醇-异黄酮(6)(0.2g)在乙酸乙酯(20ml)中的溶液在0“C下用氯化氢饱和。溶液变成深蓝褐色;24小时后,将混合物用甲醇(20毫升)稀释,并在真空中除去溶剂。将残留物溶于含醋酸钠的甲醇(20ml)中,并用水(50ml)稀释无色溶液。以氯仿提取产物,得率为2-(对二甲氨基苯基)-7-甲氧基-3-苯基-L-苯并吡喃-2-01作为胶。由这种吡喃醇甲醇的溶液制备,加入60%高氯酸,2-(对二甲基氨基烯基)-7-甲氧基异黄烷基高氯酸盐形成强烈的蓝色针状物,熔点262“(分解)(发现:C,62.6;H,4.8;C1,7.9;N,2.8。C,4H,,ClN06需要C,63.3;高,4.9 ;C1, 7.8 ;N,3.1 岁)。从乙醇橄榄绿色板中分离出的苦味酸盐,m.p.221“(分解)(发现:C,61.2;H,4.1;N,9.3。C&,,N4Og 需要 C, 61.6;H,4.1;N,9.6%)。从甲醇中分离出的四氯铁酸盐呈深蓝色玫瑰花结,熔点177“(分解)(发现: C, 51.5;H,3.9;铁,9.5;N,2.0。C,,H,,Cl,FeNO,需要C,52.0;H,4.0;铁,10.1;N,2.5%)。在5 ht o异黄素-3-烯(0.2g)在丙酮(25 ml)中的溶液中加入异黄素-3-烯(6).-高锰酸钾(1g)的水(27 ml)的氧化降解N(搅拌)。以正常方式分离来自三个氧化的产物,并合并得到(i)4-二甲氨基苯苄(30mg),熔点114“(发现:C,75.4;H,6.1;N,5.8。噗噗。C16H15N02:C,75.8;H,6.0;N,5.5y0),与真实标本相同;(ii) 黄色棱镜中的4-甲基氨基弯曲(25毫克),M.P.85“(来自Lightpetroleum)(发现:C,75.1;H,5.5;N,6.0。C,,Hl,NO,要求C,75.3;H,5.4;N,5.9%),vmx。1 630 (CEO)、1 670 ( G O ) 和 3 370 cm-l (NH)、7 1.93-3.53 (9 H, m, ArH)、5.33br (1 H, s, NH) 和 7.10 (3 H, s, NMe);(iii) 4-(N-甲基甲酰胺基)弯曲(10毫克),在黄色针状物中与轻石油分离,熔点118“(发现:C,71.5;H,4.8;K,5.6。Cl,Hl&O,要求C,71.9;H,4.9;N,5.2y0),“;0.28 (1 H, s, CHO), 1.80-2.73 (9 H, m, ArH) 和 6.63 (3 H, s, NMe) ;(iv) 2-羟基-4-甲氧基苯甲酸(20 nig),与真实标本相同。由这种高氯酸盐(0.1g)和二甲基苯胺(0.1ml)制备的4',7-二甲氧基异氧基异氯素-3-烯的衍生物形成针(80mg),m.p.128“(来自甲醇)[发现:C,77.2;H,6.3;N,3.4;OMe,16.5。C,,HlgNO-(OMe),要求C,77.5;H,6.5;N,3.6;OMe,16.070]。苦味酸盐在金棕色针状物中与乙醇分离,熔点:161“(分解)(发现:C,60.9;H,4.6;N, 8.6.C31H,,N40,0 需要 C, 60.4;H,4.6;N, 9.1%).2-(对二甲氨基苯基)-7-乙氧基-3-(4-甲氧基-苯基-1)-1-苯并吡喃-2-01形成无色胶,其高氯酸盐与甲醇分离成浓绿板,N1.p.233“(分解)(发现:C,61.8;H,5.0;C1,7.4;N,2.5。C,,H,,ClNO,要求C,61.8;H,5.0;C1,7.3;N,2.9%)。苦味酸盐形成橄榄绿板,m.p.205“(分解)(来自乙醇)(发现: C, 60.5;H,4.3;N,8.7。C3,H,,N,0,,要求C,60.6;H,4.3;N,2-(对二甲氨基苯基)-4',7-cli-甲氧基异黄-3-烯的氢化反应得到针状异黄烷,m.p.177“(来自乙醇)[发现:C,76.7;H,7.1;N,3.5;OMe,16.8.C,,H,,NO(OMe),需要 C,77.1;H, 7.0;N,3.6;OMe,15.9%]。苦味酸盐形成黄色针状物,m.p.155'(分解)(来自乙醇水溶液)(发现:C,60.9;H,5.1;N,8.2。C,,H30N401,需要C,60.2;H,4.9;N,2',7-二甲氧基异黄烷基高氯酸盐的衍生物.-以通常的方式制备,2-(对二甲氨基苯基)-2',7-二甲氧基异$av-3-烯形成针,熔点131“(甲醇)[发现:C,77.7;H,6.6;N,3.6;OMe, 16.1.C,3H,gNO(OMe), 需要 C, 77.5;H,6.5;N,3.6;OMe,16.0y0]。从乙醇水溶液中分离出的苦味盐 锭黄色针状物,熔点147“(分解)(搜索结果:C,60.5;H,4.6;N,8.9。C3,H,,N40,,需要C,60.4;H,4.6;N,9.1%)。虽然相应的苯并吡喃醇是胶,但2-(对二甲氨基~弛基)-2,7'-二甲氧基异黄烷基氯酸盐形成强烈的蓝色针状物,熔点278“(分解)(来自甲醇)(发现:C,61.2;H,5.0;N,2.2。C,,H,,-CINO,要求 C,61.8;H,5.0;N,2.9%)。苦味形成的深蓝色棱镜,熔点244“(分解)(来自乙醇)(发现:C,61.5;H,4.5;N,9.4。C,,H,,N4010 要求 C,60.6;H,4.3;N,9.1%)。3',4',7-三苯氧基异黄烷基磷酸酯的衍生物 Peych1orate.-以通常的方式制备,2-(对二甲氨基苯基)-3',4',7-三甲氧基异黄素-3-烯形成的针,m.p.80“(来自甲醇)[发现:C,64.6;H, 6.25;N,3.4;OMe, 22.6.C,,H,,NO(OMe), 需要 C, 74.8;H,6.5;N,3.4;OMe,22.3%]。从乙醇水溶液中分离出的苦味盐呈钚黄色针状物,熔点180“(分解)(搜索结果:C,59.6;H,4.8;N,8.4。C,,H,,N40,,需要C,59.4;H,4.7;N, 8.7%).在乙酸乙酯中,用氯化氢氧化该异黄素-3-烯24小时,得到不稳定的2-(p-二-rn乙基亚维基苯基)-3',4',7-三甲氧基异黄烷基氯化物樱桃红色针,熔点149“(分解)(发现:C,64.8;H,5.8。C,,H,,C1N04 需要 C , 64.1;H,5.8%)。高氯酸盐形成深蓝色板,熔点138“(de-camp.)(来自甲醇)(发现:C,59.7;H,5.1;C1,6.9;N,2.3。C2,H2&lN08 需要 C, 50.6;H,5.1;C1,6.9;N,2.7%)。苦味酸盐在深蓝色棱镜中与酒精分离,m-p。190“(分解)(发现:C,59.7;H,4.3;S,8.7。C32H,,N4011 需要 C , 59.6;H,4.4;N,8.7%)。4',5,7-三甲氧基异黄烷基高氯酸盐的衍生物-由NN-二甲基苯胺和该高氯酸盐组成的缩合产物为胶,被氧化为2-(对二甲氨基苯基)-5,7-二甲氧基-3-(4甲氧基苯基)-苯并[b]吡喃-2-01(非结晶)。高氯酸盐从甲醇中分离出来,呈强烈的绿蓝色小叶,m.p.144“(分解)(发现:C,59.7;H,5.1;N,2.3。C,,H,,-ClNO,要求C,60.5;H, 5.1 ;N,2.7%)。相应的苦味酸盐形成了深紫色棱镜,熔点180“(分解)(来自乙醇)(发现:C,59.4;H,4.6;N,8.6。C39H2,-N401,需要C,59.6;H,4.4;N,8.7%)。2',4',7-三甲氧基异黄烷基高氯酸盐的衍生物.-2-(对二甲氨基苯基)-2',4',7-三甲氧基异黄素-3-烯与针头中的甲醇分离,熔点131“(发现:C,74.9;H,6.6;N,3.1。C,,H2,NO4 需要 C, 74.8;H,9.1 Yo).9.1%).H. Staudinger, Ber., 1913, 4, 3535J.C.S. Perkin I6.5;N,3.4%)。苦味酸盐形成了绿色的玫瑰花结,m.p.分析由 G. Crouch 先生和他的 168“ (decornp.)(来自乙醇水溶液)(发现:C,69.5;我们中的一个人(M.M.E.B.)欠H,4.7;N,8.5。C,,H,,,N,O,,,需要C,59.4;3 欧元、4.7 欧元;N, U.A.R. 政府财政援助.8.7%)。[5/2271 收稿日期: 1975-11-19




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