首页> 外文期刊>Journal of clinical laser medicine and surgery >Rapid Communication: Argon Laser Polymerization of Composite: Blue Lines vs. Multilines

Rapid Communication: Argon Laser Polymerization of Composite: Blue Lines vs. Multilines

机译:Rapid Communication: Argon Laser Polymerization of Composite: Blue Lines vs. Multilines



ABSTRACTResearchers have demonstrated the ability of the argon laser (multilines) to polymerize composite resin faster and with better physical properties as compared to the traditional visible light source. This study was conducted to compare blue lines only (primarily 476 and 488 nm) with multiline (primarily 476,488, and 514 nm) argon lasers on the diametral tensile strengths of polymerized APH composite resin. Units were tested with 250 and 350 mW, 5 and 10 sec of polymerization time and approximate beam sizes of 5, 6.7, and 8 mm. Samples were tested 24 hr postlasing on an Instron Testing Machine. In general, there were no significant differences between diametral tensile strengths of composite samples polymerized with blue line or multiline argon lasers.




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