首页> 外文期刊>Pacific Science: A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region >Presence of a Halophila baillonii Asch. (Hydrocharitaceae) Seagrass Meadow and Associated Macrofauna on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica

Presence of a Halophila baillonii Asch. (Hydrocharitaceae) Seagrass Meadow and Associated Macrofauna on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica

机译:存在 Halophila baillonii Asch。(水蒲科)哥斯达黎加太平洋沿岸的海草草甸和相关大型动物

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Seagrasses in the eastern Pacific are mainly confined to temperate and subtropical regions of North America, with limited reports of presence in Central America and Chile. We report a unique monospecific meadow of Halophila baillonii for the Eastern Tropical Pacific in Golfo Dulce, southern Pacific coast of Costa Rica. This report constitutes the first sighting of seagrasses from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica since disappearance of the only reported seagrass meadow, of Ruppia maritima and Halophila baillonii, in 1996. Twenty sediment cores (5 cm diam., 15 cm deep) were taken at 10 locations for characterization of seagrass and associated macrofauna, grain size distribution, and carbonate analysis. Area of the seagrass meadow was 884 m~(-2), foliar shoot density was 4,841 ± 3,433 shoots m~(-2), and biomass was 30.7 ± 16.3 g DW m~(-2). Invertebrate fauna were mainly infaunal, dominated by polychaetes. Seven invertebrate species are new records for Costa Rica and 13 for Golfo Dulce. Further research is needed to elucidate dynamics and ecological drivers of seagrasses in the Eastern Tropical Pacific.
机译:东太平洋的海草主要局限于北美洲的温带和亚热带地区,在中美洲和智利的海草数量有限。我们报告了哥斯达黎加南太平洋沿岸Golfo Dulce的热带太平洋东部独特的单种嗜盐菌草甸。这份报告是自1996年唯一报告的海草草甸Ruppia maritima和Halophila baillonii消失以来,首次在哥斯达黎加太平洋沿岸发现海草。在 10 个地点采集了 20 个沉积物岩芯(直径 5 厘米,深 15 厘米),用于表征海草和相关大型动物、粒度分布和碳酸盐分析。海草草甸面积为884 m~(-2),叶面枝密度为4,841 ± 3,433 枝~(-2),生物量为30.7 ± 16.3 g DW m~(-2)。无脊椎动物群以无脊椎动物为主,以多毛类动物为主。哥斯达黎加有7种无脊椎动物,杜尔塞湾有13种。需要进一步的研究来阐明热带太平洋东部海草的动态和生态驱动因素。




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