首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering >Combining Uneliminated Algebraic Formulations With Sparse Linear Solvers to Increase the Speed and Accuracy of Homotopy Path Tracking for Kinematic Synthesis

Combining Uneliminated Algebraic Formulations With Sparse Linear Solvers to Increase the Speed and Accuracy of Homotopy Path Tracking for Kinematic Synthesis


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The method of kinematic synthesis requires finding the solution set of a system of polynomials. Parameter homotopy continuation is used to solve these systems and requires repeatedly solving systems of linear equations. For kinematic synthesis, the associated linear systems become ill-conditioned, resulting in a marked decrease in the number of solutions found due to path tracking failures. This unavoidable ill-conditioning places a premium on accurate function and matrix evaluations. Traditionally, variables are eliminated to reduce the dimension of the problem. However, this greatly increases the computational cost of evaluating the resulting functions and matrices and introduces numerical instability. We propose avoiding the elimination of variables to reduce required computations, increasing the dimension of the linear systems, but resulting in matrices that are quite sparse. We then solve these systems with sparse solvers to save memory and increase speed. We found that this combination resulted in a speedup of up to 250 x over traditional methods while maintaining the same accuracy.
机译:运动学合成方法需要找到多项式系统的解集。参数同伦延续用于求解这些系统,并且需要重复求解线性方程组。对于运动学综合,相关的线性系统会变得条件不佳,导致由于路径跟踪故障而找到的解的数量显着减少。这种不可避免的不良条件使准确的功能和基质评估变得非常重要。传统上,消除变量以减少问题的维度。然而,这大大增加了评估结果函数和矩阵的计算成本,并引入了数值不稳定性。我们建议避免消除变量以减少所需的计算,增加线性系统的维度,但导致矩阵非常稀疏。然后,我们使用稀疏求解器求解这些系统,以节省内存并提高速度。我们发现,与传统方法相比,这种组合使速度提高了 250 倍,同时保持了相同的精度。




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