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Top Tips Familial hypercholesterolaemia


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What is familial haypercholesterolaemia? Familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) is a common inherited disorder of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol metabolism. It is an autosomal dominant disease that occurs owing to a mutation in one of three genes associated with LDL-cho-lesterol metabolism. Patients with FH have raised cholesterol from birth, with serum triglyceride concentrations either normal or only slightly raised, unless there is a secondaiy cause. The FH genotype is either homozygous (prevalence 1 in 1 000 000) or heterozygous (prevalence 1 in 250-500) (Benn, Watts, Tybjaerg-Hansen, Nordestgaard, 2012). There are an estimated 120 000 patients with heterozygous FH in the UK and the majority remain undiagnosed (Ramaswami, Cooper, Humphries, 2016). FH has been labelled the 'silent killer', as patients are often not identified until they present with premature coronary artery disease. Patients with homozygous FH have a veiy high risk of coronary and aortic root atherosclerosis, with most developing overt disease before 20 years of age. The disease is generally fatal by 30 years of age (Cuchel et al., 2014). Patients with heterozygous FH are less severely affected: Untreated, the mean age of onset of coronary heart disease is 45 in men and 55 in women (Neil et al., 2004). Once identified and appropriately treated, these patients have a favourable long-term prognosis, with registry data indicating that statin treatment for primary prevention results in a 48 reduction in cardiovascular mortality in those with heterozygous FH, effectively reducing risk to that of the general population (Neil et al., 2008).
机译:什么是家族性干草胆固醇血症?家族性高胆固醇血症(FH)是一种常见的低密度脂蛋白(LDL)胆固醇代谢遗传性疾病。它是一种常染色体显性遗传病,由于与 LDL-胆甾醇代谢相关的三个基因之一的突变而发生。FH 患者从出生起就胆固醇升高,血清甘油三酯浓度正常或仅略有升高,除非有继发性病因。FH基因型是纯合子(患病率为1/1000 000)或杂合子(患病率为1/250-500)(Benn,Watts,Tybjaerg-Hansen和Nordestgaard,2012)。英国估计有 120,000 名杂合子 FH 患者,其中大多数仍未确诊(Ramaswami、Cooper 和 Humphries,2016 年)。FH被贴上了“沉默杀手”的标签,因为患者通常直到出现早发冠状动脉疾病时才被发现。纯合子FH患者发生冠状动脉和主动脉根部动脉粥样硬化的风险非常高,大多数患者在20岁之前出现明显的疾病。这种疾病通常在 30 岁时致命(Cuchel 等人,2014 年)。杂合子FH患者受影响较小:未经治疗,冠心病的平均发病年龄为男性45岁,女性55岁(Neil等人,2004)。一旦确定并得到适当治疗,这些患者的长期预后良好,登记数据表明,他汀类药物治疗用于一级预防可使杂合子 FH 患者的心血管死亡率降低 48%,从而有效降低普通人群的风险(Neil 等人,2008 年)。




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