首页> 外文期刊>Progress in Physical Geography >Four decades of understanding Martian geomorphology: Revisiting Baker's 'The geomorphology of Mars'

Four decades of understanding Martian geomorphology: Revisiting Baker's 'The geomorphology of Mars'


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Our understanding of the Martian atmosphere, terrain and subsurface has continuously evolved over the past couple of decades as a result of a number of successful orbiter and rover missions. This prompts a need to revisit the first holistic review of Martian geomorphology, based on images from the Viking orbiters, by Victor R. Baker in 1981. Several of the interpretations and recommendations based on remote sensing in Baker's paper are as valid today as they were four decades ago. With an unprecedented focus on Mars exploration in the coming decades, it is important to revisit the advances and prospects in Martian geomorphology research.
机译:在过去的几十年里,由于一些成功的轨道飞行器和火星车任务,我们对火星大气、地形和地下的理解不断发展。这促使人们需要重新审视维克多·贝克(Victor R. Baker)在1981年根据维京轨道飞行器的图像对火星地貌学的第一次全面审查。贝克论文中基于遥感的一些解释和建议在今天和四十年前一样有效。随着未来几十年对火星探索的空前关注,重新审视火星地貌学研究的进展和前景非常重要。




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