首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric obesity. >Observed restrictive feeding practices among low-income mothers of pre-adolescents

Observed restrictive feeding practices among low-income mothers of pre-adolescents


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Objectives: To describe verbal and non-verbal restrictive feeding practices used by low-income mothers with their pre-adolescent children during a laboratory-based protocol, and examine associations between mother/child anthropometrics, child appetitive traits and mothers’ restrictive practices. Methods: Mothers and children (dyad n = 108, mean child age = 11.0 years SD = 1.2) were provided a standardized meal and then buffet of desserts. Sessions were videorecorded, and trained coders reliably identified positive and negative restrictive statements, non-verbal restrictive behaviours and redirection to healthier foods. Mother/ child anthropometrics were measured by trained study staff and child appetitive traits reported by mothers using subscales of the Children's Eating Behaviours Questionnaire. Negative binomial regression was used to examine associations between mother/child characteristics and restrictive practices. Results: Nearly all mothers (89.8) engaged in restrictive feeding during the dessert buffet. Positive restrictive statements were the most common form of restriction (mean statements/10 minutes = 3.2 SD = 3.1). No associations were observed between children's body mass index (BMI) or appetitive traits and mothers’ restrictive feeding practices. Associations of small effect size were observed between mothers’ BMI, use of positive restrictive statements (incidence rate ratio IRR = 0.98 0.96-0.996) and nonverbal restrictive behaviours (IRR = 0.96 0.93-0.99). Conclusions: Laboratory-based feeding protocols can objectively assess nuances in restrictive feeding practices. Further research is needed to understand how specific approaches to restriction affect children's eating behaviours and weight.
机译:目的:描述低收入母亲在基于实验室的方案中对青春期前儿童使用的言语和非言语限制性喂养做法,并检查母亲/儿童人体测量学、儿童食欲特征和母亲限制性做法之间的关联。方法:为母亲和儿童(二元 n = 108,平均儿童年龄 = 11.0 岁 [SD = 1.2])提供标准化膳食,然后享用甜点自助餐。会议被录像,训练有素的编码人员可靠地识别了积极和消极的限制性陈述、非语言限制性行为以及转向更健康的食物。母亲/儿童人体测量学由训练有素的研究人员测量,母亲使用儿童饮食行为问卷的分量表报告儿童食欲特征。采用负二项式回归法检验母子特征与限制性做法之间的关联。结果:几乎所有的母亲(89.8%)在甜点自助餐期间都进行了限制性喂养。积极的限制性陈述是最常见的限制形式(平均陈述数/10 分钟 = 3.2 [SD = 3.1])。未观察到儿童的体重指数(BMI)或食欲特征与母亲的限制性喂养方式之间的关联。观察到母亲的BMI、使用积极的限制性陈述(发生率比[IRR]=0.98 [0.96-0.996])和非语言限制性行为(IRR=0.96 [0.93-0.99])。 结论:基于实验室的喂养方案可以客观地评估限制性喂养实践中的细微差别。需要进一步的研究来了解具体的限制方法如何影响儿童的饮食行为和体重。




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