首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Medical Directors Association >Greater Opioid Use Among Nursing Home Residents in Ontario, Canada During the First 2 Waves of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Greater Opioid Use Among Nursing Home Residents in Ontario, Canada During the First 2 Waves of the COVID-19 Pandemic

机译:在 COVID-19 大流行的前 2 波期间,加拿大安大略省疗养院居民的阿片类药物使用量增加

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Objectives: To examine the association between the COVID-19 pandemic and opioid use among nursing home residents followed up to March 2021, and possible variation by dementia and frailty status. Design: Population-based cohort study with an interrupted time series analysis. Setting and Participants: Linked health administrative databases for residents of all nursing homes (n = 630) in Ontario, Canada were examined. Residents were divided into consecutive weekly cohorts (first observation week was March 5 to 11, 2017 and last was March 21 to March 27, 2021). Methods: The weekly proportion of residents dispensed an opioid was examined overall and by strata defined by the presence of dementia and frailty. Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average models with step and ramp intervention functions tested for immediate level and slope changes in weekly opioid use after the onset of the pandemic (March 1, 2020) and were fit on prepandemic data for projected trends. Results: The average weekly cohort ranged from 76,834 residents (prepandemic) to 69,359 (pandemic period), with a consistent distribution by sex (69 female) and age (54 age 85 + years). There was a statistically significant increased slope change in the weekly proportion of residents dispensed opioids (parameter estimate (beta) = 0.035; standard error (SE) = 0.005, P < .001). Although significant for all 4 strata, the increased slope change was more pronounced among nonfrail residents (beta = 0.038; SE = 0.008, P < .001) and those without dementia (beta = 0.044; SE = 0.008, P < .001). The absolute difference in observed vs predicted opioid use in the last week of the pandemic period ranged from 1.25 (frail residents) to 2.28 (residents without dementia). Conclusions and Implications: Among Ontario nursing home residents, there was a statistically significant increase in opioid dispensations following the onset of the pandemic that persisted up to 1 year later. Investigations of the reasons for increased use, potential for long-term use and associated health consequences for residents are warranted. (C) 2022 AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.
机译:目的: 研究截至 2021 年 3 月的疗养院居民中 COVID-19 大流行与阿片类药物使用之间的关联,以及痴呆和虚弱状态的可能变化。设计:基于人群的队列研究,具有中断的时间序列分析。环境和参与者:检查了加拿大安大略省所有疗养院(n = 630)居民的链接健康管理数据库。居民被分成连续的每周队列(第一个观察周是 2017 年 3 月 5 日至 11 日,最后一个观察周是 2021 年 3 月 21 日至 3 月 27 日)。方法:对每周分配阿片类药物的居民比例进行总体检查,并按痴呆和虚弱的分层进行检查。具有阶跃和斜坡干预函数的自回归综合移动平均模型测试了大流行开始后(2020 年 3 月 1 日)每周阿片类药物使用的即时水平和斜率变化,并适合大流行前的数据以预测趋势。结果:平均每周队列从 76,834 名居民(大流行前)到 69,359 名居民(大流行期间)不等,按性别(69% 女性)和年龄(54% 年龄 85 + 岁)分布一致。每周配发阿片类药物的居民比例的斜率变化在统计学上显着增加(参数估计值 (beta) = 0.035;标准误差 (SE) = 0.005,P < .001)。尽管所有 4 个地层都显着,但坡度变化的增加在非虚弱居民中更为明显 (beta = 0.038;标准误差 = 0.008, P < .001)和无痴呆的人(beta = 0.044;SE = 0.008,P < .001)。在大流行期间的最后一周,观察到的阿片类药物使用与预测的绝对差异范围从1.25%(虚弱的居民)到2.28%(没有痴呆的居民)。结论和影响:在安大略省疗养院居民中,在大流行开始后,阿片类药物的分配在统计学上显着增加,并持续到 1 年后。有必要调查增加使用的原因、长期使用的可能性以及对居民的相关健康后果。(c) 2022 AMDA - 急性后和长期护理医学学会。




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