首页> 外文期刊>Journal of optical technology >Study of the charge-accumulation and -relaxation kinetics in a solid dielectric when it is electron-irradiated by an optical method

Study of the charge-accumulation and -relaxation kinetics in a solid dielectric when it is electron-irradiated by an optical method


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This paper discusses the kinetics of the accumulation and relaxation of electric charge in layers of the dielectric MgO + Al2O3 when it is irradiated with electrons having energy 1.6 keV. An optical method is used for the first time, based on the phase modulation of light caused by the electric field of the charge in an electrooptic crystal of deuterated potassium dihydrogen phosphate. It is established that the charge accumulated in the dielectric varies with time according to a linear law when the current density in the beam is 0.28 x 10(-4)-1 x 10(-4) A/cm(2), which corresponds to the electron flux density 1.7 x 10(14)-6 x 10(14) cm(-2). The charge relaxation is significantly accelerated if the charged dielectric is irradiated by an electron beam, creating particles in it with the opposite charge. The positive charge in this case relaxes at a greater rate than does the negative charge. This is apparently because electrons have higher mobility than do holes. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America.
机译:本文讨论了电介质 MgO + Al2O3 层中电荷在能量为 1.6 keV 的电子照射下积累和弛豫的动力学。首次使用了一种光学方法,该方法基于氘代磷酸二氢钾电光晶体中电荷的电场引起的光相位调制。结果表明,当电子束中的电流密度为0.28 x 10(-4)-1 x 10(-4) A/cm(2)时,电介质中积累的电荷随时间变化,这与电子通量密度1.7 x 10(14)-6 x 10(14) cm(-2)相对应。如果带电的电介质被电子束照射,则电荷弛豫会显着加速,从而在其中产生具有相反电荷的粒子。在这种情况下,正电荷的弛豫速率高于负电荷。这显然是因为电子比空穴具有更高的迁移率。(C) 2015 年美国光学学会。




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