
Aldosterone and the conquest of land.


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The sequence of the phylogenetic events that preceded the appearance of aldosterone in vertebrates is described, starting from the ancestral conversion of cytochrome P450s from oxygen detoxification to xenobiotic detoxification and synthesis of oxygenated endobiotics with useful functions in intercellular signalling, such as steroid hormones. At the end of the Silurian period 438-408 million yr ago, (Mya), a complete set of cytochrome P450s for corticoid synthesis was presumably already available, except for mitochondrial cytochrome P450c18 or aldosterone synthase encoded by CYP11B2. This gene arose by duplication of the CYP11B gene in the sarcopterygian or lobe-finned fish/tetrapod line after its divergence from the actinopterygian or ray-finned fish line 420 Mya, but before the beginning of the colonization of land by tetrapods in the late Devonian period, around 370 Mya. The fact that aldosterone is already present in Dipnoi, which occupy an evolutionary transition between water- and air-breathingbut are fully aquatic, suggests that the role of this steroid was to potentiate the corticoid response to hypoxia, rather than to prevent dehydration out of the water. In terrestrial amphibians, there is no differentiation between the secretion rates and gluco- and mineralocorticoid effects of aldosterone and corticosterone. In sauropsids, plasma aldosterone concentrations are much lower than in amphibians, but regulation of salt/water balance is dependent upon both aldosterone and corticosterone, though sometimes with opposed actions. In terrestrial mammals, aldosterone acquires a specific mineralocorticoid function, because its interaction with the mineralocorticoid receptor is protected by the coexpression of the enzyme 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2, which inactivates both cortisol and corticosterone. There is evidence that aldosterone can be also synthesized extra-adrenally in brain neurons and cardiac myocytes, which lack this protection and where the effects of aldosterone oppose those of glucocorticoids. In conclusion, the phylogenetic history of aldosterone documents the erratic progression of evolutionary changes in the course of the strenuous struggle for environmental resources and survival.
机译:描述了脊椎动物中醛固酮出现之前的系统发育事件的顺序,从细胞色素P450s从氧解毒到异生素解毒的祖先转化和合成在细胞间信号传导中具有有用功能的含氧内生元(例如类固醇激素)开始。在志留纪末期[4.38-4.08亿年前,(Mya)],除了线粒体细胞色素P450c18或由CYP11B2编码的醛固酮合酶外,可能已经有一套完整的用于皮质激素合成的细胞色素P450。该基因是在肉翅目或叶鳍鱼/四足动物系中复制 CYP11B 基因后产生的,该基因在与放线翅目或射线鳍鱼系 420 Mya 分化之后,但在泥盆纪晚期四足动物开始殖民陆地之前,大约 370 Mya。醛固酮已经存在于 Dipnoi 中,它们占据了呼吸水和空气之间的进化过渡,但完全是水生的,这表明这种类固醇的作用是增强皮质激素对缺氧的反应,而不是防止脱水。在陆生两栖动物中,醛固酮和皮质酮的分泌速率以及糖皮质激素和盐皮质激素作用之间没有区别。在蜥蜴类动物中,血浆醛固酮浓度远低于两栖动物,但盐/水平衡的调节取决于醛固酮和皮质酮,尽管有时作用相反。在陆生哺乳动物中,醛固酮获得特定的盐皮质激素功能,因为它与盐皮质激素受体的相互作用受到酶11β-羟基类固醇脱氢酶2型共表达的保护,其使皮质醇和皮质酮失活。有证据表明,醛固酮也可以在肾上腺外的脑神经元和心肌细胞中合成,这些神经元和心肌细胞缺乏这种保护,醛固酮的作用与糖皮质激素的作用相反。总之,醛固酮的系统发育史记录了在为环境资源和生存而进行的艰苦斗争过程中进化变化的不稳定过程。




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