首页> 外文期刊>Conservation genetics >Novel microsatellite loci reveal high genetic diversity yet low population structure for alfalfa leafcutting bees in North America

Novel microsatellite loci reveal high genetic diversity yet low population structure for alfalfa leafcutting bees in North America

机译:Novel microsatellite loci reveal high genetic diversity yet low population structure for alfalfa leafcutting bees in North America

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The alfalfa leafcutting bee, Megachile rotundata (ALCB) is an economically important pollinator necessary for seed production of the critical forage crop alfalfa, Medicago sativa. The pollinator was accidentally introduced to North America from Europe approximately 70 years ago, and it is primarily produced in Canada and shipped to the United States annually en masse for seed field pollination. We investigate how the large-scale commercial movement of this bee affects the genetic structure of populations in the North American seed growing system and compare the genetic diversity and structure of introduced North American bees with two native European populations. Using 16 newly developed microsatellite loci, we describe the North American population structure of this bee. ALCBs collected from alfalfa seed farms have a degree of genetic variability similar to one native European population, but lower than the second. Considering that the species was accidentally introduced into North America, we anticipated more signature of a founder effect. Despite the level of genetic variability, we found little, if any, genetic structuring across North America, other than that the North American populations were distinct from the European populations sampled. While we detected some sub-structure in North American populations using Bayesian methods, the structuring was without geographic pattern, and we propose it is the result of the intense human management and movement of these bees. The trade and movement of these bees by humans has created a nearly panmictic M. rotundata population across the continent, which has implications relevant to the preservation and conservation of other bee pollinators.




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