首页> 外文期刊>American journal of psychiatry >The Impact of Alcohol and Other Substance Use Disorders on Mortality in Patients With Eating Disorders: A Nationwide Register-Based Retrospective Cohort Study

The Impact of Alcohol and Other Substance Use Disorders on Mortality in Patients With Eating Disorders: A Nationwide Register-Based Retrospective Cohort Study


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Objective: Research is lacking on the contribution of different types of substance use disorders (SUDs) to excess mortality across the full spectrum of eating disorders. The authors assessed the association of alcohol use disorders and other SUDs with mortality in anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and unspecified eating disorder compared with matched control subjects. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted using Danish nationwide registers. The study included 20,759 patients with eating disorders and 83,036 matched control subjects. Hazard ratios were calculated to compare all-cause mortality risk between eating disorder patients and control subjects both with and without a lifetime SUD diagnosis (abuse or dependence of alcohol, cannabis, or hard drugs). Results: For patients with each type of eating disorder, a higher risk of all-cause mortality was observed relative to control subjects without SUDs among those who abused alcohol and/or cannabis (adjusted hazard ratios for the anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and unspecified eating disorder patients, respectively, were 11.28 95 CI=7.01, 18.16, 5.86 95 CI=3.37, 10.1, and 10.86 95 CI=6.74, 17.50), or hard drugs alone or in combination with alcohol and/or cannabis (adjusted hazard ratios, respectively, were 22.34 95 CI=15.13, 33.00, 11.43 95 CI=7.14, 18.28, and 15.53 95 CI=10.15, 23.78), than in those without SUDs (adjusted hazard ratios, respectively, were 3.21 95 CI=2.43, 4.23, 1.24 95 CI=0.88, 1.77, and 4.75 95 CI=3.57, 6.31). Control subjects with SUDs also exhibited an elevated risk of all-cause mortality relative to control subjects without SUDs, although to a much lesser extent than eating disorder patients with SUDs. Conclusions: SUDs have an additive effect on excess mortality in patients with eating disorders. The prevention and treatment of SUDs in this patient group is thus imperative to reduce mortality.
机译:目的:缺乏关于不同类型的物质使用障碍 (SUD) 对所有饮食失调的超额死亡率的贡献的研究。作者评估了与匹配的对照受试者相比,酒精使用障碍和其他SUDs与神经性厌食症、神经性贪食症和未指明饮食失调死亡率的相关性。方法:使用丹麦全国登记册进行回顾性队列研究。该研究包括 20,759 名饮食失调患者和 83,036 名匹配的对照受试者。计算风险比以比较饮食失调患者和对照组受试者之间的全因死亡风险,包括有和没有终生 SUD 诊断(滥用或依赖酒精、大麻或硬性药物)。结果:对于每种类型的饮食失调患者,在滥用酒精和/或大麻的患者中,相对于没有SUD的对照组,观察到更高的全因死亡风险(神经性厌食症、神经性贪食症和未指明的进食障碍患者的校正风险比分别为11.28 [95% CI=7.01,18.16],5.86 [95% CI=3.37, 10.1]和10.86 [95% CI=6.74,17.50]),或硬性药物单独或与酒精和/或大麻联合使用(校正风险比分别为22.34 [95% CI=15.13,33.00],11.43 [95% CI=7.14,18.28]和15.53 [95% CI=10.15,23.78]),而不是没有SUDs的患者(校正风险比分别为3.21 [95% CI=2.43,4.23],1。24 [95% CI=0.88, 1.77] 和 4.75 [95% CI=3.57, 6.31])。与没有SUD的对照受试者相比,患有SUD的对照受试者也表现出更高的全因死亡风险,尽管程度远低于患有SUD的饮食失调患者。结论:SUDs对进食障碍患者的超额死亡率有累加效应。因此,预防和治疗该患者群体的SUD对于降低死亡率至关重要。




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