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Seeing the body produces limb-specific modulation of skin temperature


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Vision of the body, even when non-informative about stimulation, affects somatosensory processing. We investigated whether seeing the body also modulates autonomic control in the periphery by measuring skin temperature while manipulating vision. Using a mirror box, the skin temperature was measured from left hand dorsum while participants: (i) had the illusion of seeing their left hand, (ii) had the illusion of seeing an object at the same location or (iii) looked directly at their contralateral right hand. Skin temperature of the left hand increased when participants had the illusion of directly seeing that hand but not in the other two view conditions. In experiment 2, participants viewed directly their left or right hand, or the box while we recorded both hand dorsum temperatures. Temperature increased in the viewed hand but not the contralateral hand. These results show that seeing the body produces limb-specific modulation of thermal regulation.
机译:身体的视觉,即使没有关于刺激的信息,也会影响躯体感觉处理。我们研究了通过在操纵视觉的同时测量皮肤温度来观察身体是否也调节了外周的自主神经控制。使用镜子盒,从左手背侧测量皮肤温度,而参与者:(i)有看到左手的错觉,(ii)有在同一位置看到物体的错觉,或(iii)直接看他们的对侧右手。当参与者有直接看到那只手的错觉时,左手的皮肤温度会升高,但在其他两种视图条件下则不会。在实验 2 中,参与者直接观察他们的左手或右手,或盒子,而我们记录了双手的背部温度。观察手的温度升高,但对侧手的温度没有升高。这些结果表明,看到身体会产生肢体特异性的热调节调节。




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