
When technology is in charge


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Digital technology is becoming more and more influential in the execution of crucial decisions in football, cricket and tennis. But is that always a good thing? Harry Collins's new book 'Bad Call' answers the appeal. WHEN WE THINK about the woefully deteriorating over rate in Test Match cricket, we tend to take it as axiomatic that it is somehow the players' fault. They're lazy, negative and cheating in such a way as to suck the joy out of the wonderful experience that is watching cricket played at its highest level. While some of the above might be true, the real reason for the game grinding to a halt is that we are now using too much decision-assisting technology, applying it wrongly and in the case of obviously bad referrals, abusing it cynically in order to waste time.
机译:数字技术在足球、板球和网球关键决策的执行中越来越有影响力。但这总是一件好事吗?哈里·柯林斯(Harry Collins)的新书《坏电话》(Bad Call)回应了这一呼吁。当我们想到板球测试赛中可悲的超额率恶化时,我们倾向于认为这是不言而喻的,这在某种程度上是球员的错。他们懒惰、消极和作弊,以至于从观看板球比赛的最高水平的美妙体验中吸取了快乐。虽然以上一些可能是真的,但游戏停滞不前的真正原因是我们现在使用了太多的决策辅助技术,错误地应用了它,在明显糟糕的推荐的情况下,愤世嫉俗地滥用它以浪费时间。




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