首页> 外文期刊>Journal of developmental and physical disabilities >Further Evaluation of the Displacement of Leisure Items by Food During Stimulus Preference Assessments with Children with Autism

Further Evaluation of the Displacement of Leisure Items by Food During Stimulus Preference Assessments with Children with Autism


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The present study evaluates the extent to which food stimuli displace leisure stimuli when they are combined in stimulus preference assessments. Four children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder participated in the study. Multiple-stimulus without replacement preference assessments were given both before and after meals for five consecutive days. Food reliably displaced leisure items for 2 of 4 participants. For one of the participants, leisure items reliably displaced food items, while another participant had mixed results. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.
机译:本研究评估了当食物刺激在刺激偏好评估中结合在一起时,它们在多大程度上取代了休闲刺激。四名被诊断患有自闭症谱系障碍的儿童参与了这项研究。连续 5 天在饭前和饭后进行无替代偏好评估的多重刺激。食物可靠地取代了 4 名参与者中的 2 名的休闲用品。对于其中一名参与者来说,休闲用品可靠地取代了食品,而另一名参与者的结果喜忧参半。讨论了对未来研究和实践的影响。




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