首页> 外文期刊>fullerene science and technology >Esr Study of C60N- Anion Radicals in DMSO Solution

Esr Study of C60N- Anion Radicals in DMSO Solution

机译:Esr Study of C60N- Anion Radicals in DMSO Solution



With the aim to stabilize reduced C60molecules of solid fulleride as free anion radicals in solution, NaxC60(x=l, 10) was dissolved in DMSO. The NaxC60was chosen among the other alkali-metal fullerides due to the possibility to increase a number of intercalated Na atoms in a fee. lattice of C60A sufficiently high concentration of C60anion radicals of an order of magnitude larger than that usually achieved in solution by an electrochemical reduction was obtained. The sharp resonances with the linewidths of order of 0.1 G and with g=2.0004(6) −2.0012(8) of the room temperature ESR spectra of fluid solution were assigned from mono- to pentaanions of C60. An appearance of additional sharp peaks at g=2.0016–2.0019 in the spectra of solution of nominal Na10C60, but Na1C60, tentatively related to C60n-with n6. The results of this study showed a simple approach in an accomplishment of highly concentrated solutions of free anion radicals C60n-, as well as in stabilization of the anion radicals with increasedn. In this way a homogeneity of alkali metal intercalation and characteristics of the solvent will be important.




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