首页> 外文期刊>Mathematical Problems in Engineering: Theory, Methods and Applications >Research on the Technological Innovation Efficiency of China's Strategic Emerging Industries Based on SBM: NDEA Model and Big Data

Research on the Technological Innovation Efficiency of China's Strategic Emerging Industries Based on SBM: NDEA Model and Big Data


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Characterized by large scale, variety, fast generation, and extremely high value but low density, big data can be used to mine effective information, provide users with auxiliary decision-making, and realize its own value. Based on the nonoriented SBM and the network DEA model, this paper systematically and objectively evaluates the technological innovation efficiency of strategic emerging industries in all provinces of China in 2002-2013. The study found the following. (1) The overall technological efficiency of China's strategic emerging industries is low. The average of comprehensive efficiency is 0.278; of 26 provinces, only 8 are above the average level. (2) The efficiency in the commercialization stage of scientific and technological achievements of strategic emerging industries in the whole country and most of the provinces is higher than that in the stage of knowledge innovation. The inefficiency of the knowledge innovation stage restricts the efficiency promotion of China's strategic emerging industries. (3) The overall innovation efficiency of strategic emerging industries has been increasing from 2002 to 2013. In comparison, the growth rate of pure technical efficiency is larger than that of scale efficiency. (4) The overall efficiency, the efficiency in the knowledge innovation stage, and the efficiency in the commercialization stage of scientific and technological achievements of the eastern region are higher than those of the central and western regions.




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