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From the coalface The canine panacea


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It seems all the rage to describe the health benefits of owning a dog, so I thought I'd add my own story to the genre.Selkie, a chocolate labrador-cocker spaniel cross, has now been with our family for 3 of the 5 months she's been alive. We'd been telling the children we would get a dog for so long they'd grown bored of the idea and we probably could have got away with binning the whole thing. My partner, however, grew up with dogs and, to him, our family would never be complete without one. We duly schlepped to Wales and picked up a tiny, brown bundle of exuberance. A little chocolate drop of trouble who has been challenging and adoring us ever since.
机译:描述养狗对健康的好处似乎风靡一时,所以我想我应该将自己的故事添加到这一类型中。Selkie 是一只巧克力拉布拉多犬和可卡犬杂交品种,在她活着的 3 个月中,她现在已经和我们的家人在一起 5 个月了。我们一直告诉孩子们我们会养一只狗,他们已经厌倦了这个想法,我们本可以把整个事情装箱。然而,我的伴侣是和狗一起长大的,对他来说,没有狗,我们的家庭永远不会完整。我们适时地赶到威尔士,捡到一小束棕色的旺盛。从那时起,一个小小的麻烦巧克力滴一直在挑战和崇拜我们。




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