首页> 外文期刊>Weed Technology: A journal of the Weed Science Society of America >Effective two-pass herbicide programs to control glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in glyphosate/dicamba-resistant soybean

Effective two-pass herbicide programs to control glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in glyphosate/dicamba-resistant soybean

机译:有效的两道除草剂方案,用于控制抗草甘膦/麦草畏大豆中抗草甘膦的棕榈苋(Amaranthus palmeri)

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Field experiments were conducted in 2018 and 2019 at Kansas State University Ashland Bottoms (KSU-AB) research farm near Manhattan, KS, and Kansas State University Agricultural Research Center (KSU-ARC) near Hays, KS, to determine the effectiveness of various PRE-applied herbicide premixes and tank mixtures alone or followed by (fb) an early POST (EPOST) treatment of glyphosate + dicamba for controlling glyphosate-resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth in glyphosate/dicamba-resistant (GDR) soybean. In experiment 1, PRE-applied sulfentrazone + S-metolachlor, saflufenacil + imazethapyr + pyroxasulfone, chlorimuron + flumioxazin + pyroxasulfone, and metribuzin + flumioxazin + imazethapyr provided 85 to 94 end-of-season control of GR Palmer amaranth across both sites. In comparison, Palmer amaranth control ranged from 63 to 87 at final evaluation with PRE-applied pyroxasulfone + sulfentrazone, pyroxasulfone + sulfentrazone plus metribuzin, pyroxasulfone + sulfentrazone plus carfentrazone + sulfentrazone, and sulfentrazone + metribuzin at the KSU-ARC site in experiment 2. All PRE fb EPOST (i.e., two-pass) programs provided near-complete (98 to 100) control of GR Palmer amaranth at both sites. PRE-alone programs reduced Palmer amaranth shoot biomass by 35 to 76 in experiment 1 at both sites, whereas all two-pass programs prevented Palmer amaranth biomass production. No differences in soybean yields were observed among tested programs in experiment 1 at KSU-ARC site; however, PRE-alone sulfentrazone + S-metolachlor, saflufenacil + imazethapyr + pyroxasulfone, and chlorimuron + flumioxazin + pyroxasulfone had lower grain yield (average, 4,342 kg ha(-1)) compared with the top yielding (4,832 kg ha(-1)) treatment at the KSU-AB site. PRE-applied sulfentrazone + metribuzin had a lower soybean yield (1,776 kg ha(-1)) compared with all other programs in experiment 2 at the KSU-ARC site. These results suggest growers should proactively adopt effective PRE-applied premixes fb EPOST programs evaluated in this study to reduce selection pressure from multiple POST dicamba applications for GR Palmer amaranth control in GDR soybean.
机译:2018 年和 2019 年在堪萨斯州曼哈顿附近的堪萨斯州立大学阿什兰底 (KSU-AB) 研究农场和堪萨斯州海斯附近的堪萨斯州立大学农业研究中心 (KSU-ARC) 进行了田间试验,以确定各种预施除草剂预混料和罐混合物单独使用或随后 (fb) 草甘膦 + 麦草畏的早期 POST (EPOST) 处理以控制草甘膦/抗麦草畏 (GDR) 大豆中抗草甘膦 (GR) Palmer 苋菜的有效性。在实验 1 中,预施磺草胺 + S-异丙甲草胺、沙氟芬那西 + 吡唑嘧啶 + 吡咯砜、氯磺隆 + 氟虫嗪 + 吡咯砜和美曲布津 + 氟噁嗪 + 噶咪嘧啶在两个地点对 GR Palmer 苋菜的季末控制率为 85% 至 94%。相比之下,在实验 2 的 KSU-ARC 部位,使用预先施用吡咯砜 + 磺草酮、吡咯砜 + 磺草胺加甲曲布津、吡咯砜 + 磺草胺加卡芬曲酮 + 磺草胺和磺草胺 + 美曲布嗪,在最终评估时,Palmer 苋菜的控制范围为 63% 至 87%。所有 PRE fb EPOST(即两次通过)计划在两个地点都提供了近乎完全(98% 至 100%)的 GR Palmer 苋菜控制。在两个地点的实验 1 中,单独 PRE 程序将 Palmer 苋菜芽生物量减少了 35% 至 76%,而所有两次程序都阻止了 Palmer 苋菜生物量的产生。在KSU-ARC站点的实验1中,测试程序之间未观察到大豆产量差异;然而,与KSU-AB场地的最高产量(4,832 kg ha(-1))处理相比,单独使用磺草胺+磺草胺、沙氟芬那西+噧唑嘧啶+吡咯砜和氯磺隆+氟噁嗪+吡咯砜的籽粒产量较低(平均4,342 kg ha(-1))。与KSU-ARC站点实验2中的所有其他程序相比,预施磺草胺+美曲布津的大豆产量较低(1,776 kg ha(-1))。这些结果表明,种植者应积极采用本研究中评估的有效的预施预混料fb EPOST计划,以减少多种POST麦草畏施用的选择压力,以控制GDR大豆中的GR Palmer苋菜。




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