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ISSN 0300-922X JCPRB4(13) 1555-1744(1992) JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY Perkin Transactions I Organic and Bio-organic Chemistry CONTENTS Perkin Communications 1555 Mycinamicin biosynthesis: intact incorporation of an intermediate by a chain-elongation process in Micrornonospora griseorubidn Hideaki Suzuki, Satoshi Takenaka, Kenji Kinoshita, Yuji Kogami, Tatsuro Fujiwara and Toshiro Morohoshi 1557 A short synthesis of karahana ether by a radical cyclisation path Toshio Honda, Masayuki Satoh and Yuji Kobayashi 1559 New photochemical cyclisation of 9-(6-anilinohexyl)phenanthrene Akira Sugimoto, Ryoichi Hiraoka, Hiroo Inoue and Tomohiro Adachi 1561 Selective reduction of carboxylic acids with zinc borohydride in the presence of trifluoroacetic anhydride Brindaban C.Ranu and Asish R. Das 1563 Regiospecific deuteriation of chiral 3-isopropyl-2,5-dimethoxy-3,6-dihydropyrazinesin the stereospecific synthesis of x-deuteriated x-amino acids Janet E. Rose, Paul D. Leeson and David Gani Artides 1569 Polyfluoroalkylation of octa-177-diene promoted by dichlorobis(n-cyclopentadieny1)titanium and iron powder Chang-Ming Hu and Yao-Ling Qiu 1573 C-Nucleoside studies. Part 23. New and more direct synthesis of 3-(~-~-xylofuranosyl)pyrazoleJ. Grant Buchanan, M. Luisa Quijano and Richard H. Wightman 1577 Olivanic acid analogues. Part 11. Ozonolysis of x-ethylideneazetidinones: ozonide fragmentation to x-amino acid-N- carboxyanhydrides John H. Bateson, Stephen C. M. Fell, Arun C. Kaura and Robert Southgate 1583 Reactions of 19-ethoxycarbonyl-19-demethylvincadifformine:synthesis of 19-ethoxycarbonyl- 19-demethylapo- vincamine Abdelhamid Belattar and J.Edwin Saxton 1587 A simple approach to the bicyclo5.3.lundecane system present in taxanes Goutam Saha, Atashi Karpha, Supti Saha Roy and Subrata Ghosh 1593 Synthesis and reactions of some new heterocyclic bismuth-(In) and -(v) compounds. 5,10-Dihydrodibenzob,ebismine and related systems Hitomi Suzuki, Toshihiro Murafuji and Nagao Azuma 1601 Oxidation of 1,lO-phenanthroline by tetraoxomanganate(v1) and (VII). Preparation, structure and properties of 1H-cyclopenta2,1 -b :3,4-brsquo;dipyridine-2,5-dione Paul N. W. Baxter, Joseph A. Connor, John D. Wallis, David C. Povey and Anne K. Powell 1607 Chemi- and bio-luminescence of coelenterazine analogues with phenyl homologues at the C-2 position Chen Feng Qi, Yasushiro Gomi, Takashi Hirano, Mamoru Ohashi, Yoshihiro Ohmiya and Frederick I.Tsuji 1613 Synthesis of 1,2-dihydroisoquinoline-3-carbaldehydes Gyula Simig 161 7 Some unexpected reactions involving diphenylketene Rakesh Maurya, Carlos A. Pittol, Robert J. Pryce, Stanley M. Roberts, Russell J. Thomas and Julian 0.Williams 1 CONTENTS 1623 Synthesis of dendritic polyamides uia a convergent growth approach Kathryn E. Uhrich and Jean M. J. FrCchet 1631 Water-promoted organic synthesis using glyco-organic substrates: the Claisen rearrangement AndrC Lubineau, Jacques AugC, Nathalie Bellanger and Sylvie Caillebourdin 1637 Stereocontrolled synthesis of (2S,3S,8S,9S,4E,6E)-3-amino-9-methoxy-2,6,8-trimethyl-lO-phenyldeca-4,6-dienoicacid (Adda), the amino acid characteristic of microcystins and nodularin Mark F.Beatty, Clive Jennings-White and Mitchell A. Avery 1643 Synthesis of selectively multi-labelled histidines with stable isotopes and chiral synthesis of L-histidine from L-aspartic acid Takashi Furuta, Motofusa Katayama, Hiromi Shibasaki and Yasuji Kasuya 1649 Biosynthetic studies on the chitinase inhibitor, allosamidin. Origin of the carbon and nitrogen atoms Ze-Yang Zhou, Shohei Sakuda and Yasuhiro Yamada 1653 Chemoenzymatic approach to the synthesis of the antiviral agents penciclovir and famciclovir in isotopically chiral rsquo;3C labelled form John T. Sirne, Roger D. Barnes, Stephen W.EIson, Richard L. Jarvest and Kevin J. Orsquo;Toole 1659 Reaction of diphenyl disulfide with alkynes promoted by di-tert-butyl and dibenzoyl peroxide: a useful synthetic route to 3-(and 2,3-) substituted benzobthiophenes Luisa Benati, Pier Carlo Montevecchi and Piero Spagnolo 1665 P-Stereospecific hydroboration of 13-epi-pimar-8( 14)-enes Arturo San Feliciano, Manuel Medarde, Esther Caballero, Fernando Tomb and BelCn Hebrero 1671 Synthesis of isothiocyanato-1- 1-(2-benzohthienyl)cyclohexylpiperidines, potential irreversible ligands at the dopamine re-uptake site Brian de Costa, Clifford George and Celia Dorninguez 1681 The absolute stereochemistries of ( +)-toddalolactone and its related chiral coumarins from Todddia usiatica (L.) Lam.( T. ucufeata Pers.) and their optical purities Hisashi Ishii, Jun-Ichi Kobayashi, Eri Sakurada and Tsutomu Ishikawa 1685 Mechanism and stereochemistry of the enzyme-catalysed formation of a 2,2-dimethylchromene ring from a prenylated phenol: conversion of rot-2rsquo;-enonic acid into deguelin by deguelin cyclase Prabha Bhandari, Leslie Crombie, Mark F. Harper, John T. Rossiter, Mark Sanders and Donald A. Whiting 1699 Solid-phase synthesis and characterization of 0-dimannosylated heptadecapeptide analogues of human insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) Anita M. Jansson, Morten Meldal and Klaus Bock 1 709 Reactions of diene-conjugated 1,3-dipolar intermediates: the formation of cyclopropacisoquinolines from benzonitrile o-alkenylbenzyl ylides and their rearrangements to benzazepines Keith R.Motion, Ian R. Robertson, John T. Sharp and Malcolm D. Walkinshaw I721 Synthesis and stereochemistry of an optically active selenonium ylide. X-ray molecular structure of (+)se-{4rsquo;-(-)-menthyloxycarbonylphenyl)(methyl)selenonium 4,4-dimethyl-2,6-dioxocyclohexylideNobumasa Kamigata, Yoshihiro Nakamura, Koichi Kikuchi, Isao Ikemoto, Toshio Shimizu and Haruo Matsuyama 1729 Synthesis of 2-alkenylpyrazol-3(2H)-one derivatives under mild conditions Graziano Baccolini, Daniele Evangelisti, Corrado Rizzoli and Paolo Sgarabotto 1735 Epoxidation and Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of y-hydroxy-+unsaturated ketones on exposure to m-chloroperbenzoic acid Marioara Mendelovici and Erwin Glotter 1741 Conference Diary AUTHOR INDEX Adachi, Tomohiro, 1559 Auge, Jacques, 163 1 Avery.Mitchell A., 1637 Azuma, Nagao, 1593 Baccolini, Grdziano, 1729 Barnes, Roger D., 1653 Bateson. John H., 1577 Baxter, Paul N. W., 1601 Beatty. Mark F., 1637 Belattar, Abdelhamid. 1583 Bellanger, Nathalie, 163 1 Benati, Luisa, 1659 Bhandari, Prabha. 1685 Bock, Klaus, 1699 Buchanan, J. Grant, 1573 Caballero, Esther, 1665 Caillebourdin, Sylvie, 163 1 Connor, Joseph A., 1601 Crombie, Leslie, 1685 Das. Asish R .. I56 1 de Costa. Brian, 1671 Dominguez. Celia, 167 1 Elson. Stephen W., 1653 Evangelisti, Daniele, I729 Fell, Stephen C. M., 1577 Frechet, Jean M. J., 1623 Fujiwara, Tatsuro, 1555 Furuta, Takashi, 1643 Gani, David.1563 George, Clifford, 167 1 Ghosh, Subrata, 1587 Glotter, Erwin, 1735 Gomi, Yasushiro, 1607 Harper, Mark F., 1685 Hebrero, BelCn, 1665 Hirano, Takashi, 1607 Hiraoka, Ryoichi, 1559 Honda, Toshio, 1557 Hu, Chang-Ming, 1569 Ikemoto, Isao, 172 1 Inoue, Hiroo, 1559 Ishii, Hisashi, 168 1 Ishikawa, Tsutomu, 1681 Jansson, Anita M., 1699 Jarvest, Richard L., 1653 Jennings-White, Clive, 1637 Kamigata, Nobumasa, 172 1 Karpha, Atashi, 1587 Kasuya, Yasuji, I643 Katayama. Motofusa, 1643 Kaura, Arun C., 1577 Kikuchi, Koichi, 172 1 Kinoshita, Kenji, 1555 Kobayashi, Jun-Ichi, 168 1 Kobayashi, Yuji, 1557 Kogami, Yuji, 1555 Leeson, Paul D., 1563 Lubineau, Andre, 163 1 Matsuyama, Haruo, 1721 Maurya, Rakesh, 161 7 Medarde, Manuel, 1665 Meldal, Morten, 1699 Mendelovici, Marioara, 1735 Montevecchi, Pier Carlo, 1659 Morohoshi, Toshiro, 1555 Motion, Keith R., 1709 Murafuji, Toshihiro, 1593 Nakamura, Yoshihiro, 1721 Ohashi, Mamoru, 1607 Ohmiya, Yoshihiro, 1607 Orsquo;Toole, Kevin J., 1653 Pittol, Carlos A., 1617 Povey, David C., 1601 Powell, Anne K., 1601 Pryce, Robert J., 1617 Qi, Chen Feng, 1607 Qiu, Yao-Ling, 1569 Quijano, M.Luisa, 1573 Ranu, Brindaban C., 1561 Rizzoli, Corrado, 1729 Roberts, Stanley M., 1617 Robertson, Ian R., 1709 Rose, Janet E., 1563 Rossiter, John T., 1685 Roy, Supti Saha, 1587 Saha, Goutam, 1587 Sakuda, Shohei, 1649 Sakurada. Eri, 1681 San Feliciano, Arturo, 1665 Sanders, Mark, 1685 Satoh, Masayuki, 1557 Saxton, J. Edwin, 1583 Sgarabotto, Paolo, 1729 Sharp, John T., 1709 Shibasaki, Hiromi, 1643 Shimizu, Toshio, 1721 Sime, John T., I653 Simig, Gyula, 161 3 Southgate, Robert, 1577 Spagnolo, Piero, 1659 Sugimoto, Akira, 1559 Suzuki, Hideaki, 1555 Suzuki, Hitomi, 1593 Takenaka, Satoshi, 1555 Thomas, Russell J., 16 17 Tome, Fernando, 1665 Tsuji, Frederick I., 1607 Uhrich, Kathryn E., 1623 Walkinshaw, Malcolm D., 1709 Wallis, John D., 1601 Whiting, Donald A., 1685 Wightman, Richard H., 1573 Williams, Julian O., 16 17 Yamada, Yasuhiro, 1649 Zhou, Ze-Yang. 1649 NOTE: An asterisk in the heading of each paper indicates the author who is to receive any correspondence. ... 111
机译:国际标准刊号:ISSN 0300-922X JCPRB4(13): 1555-1744(1992) JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Perkin Transactions I 有机和生物有机化学 CONTENTS Perkin Communications 1555 霉菌素生物合成:通过链伸长过程完整掺入中间体 Micrornonospora griseorubidn 铃木秀明、竹中聪、木下健二、小神雄二、藤原达郎和森星敏郎 1557 通过自由基环化路径快速合成卡拉哈纳醚 本田敏夫, Masayuki Satoh 和 Yuji Kobayashi 1559 9-(6-苯胺基己基)菲的新光化学环化 杉本晃、平冈良一、井上广夫和足立智宏 1561 在三氟乙酸酐存在下用硼氢化锌选择性还原羧酸 Brindaban C.Ranu 和 Asish R. Das 1563 手性 3-异丙基-2,5-二甲氧基-3,6-二氢吡嗪苷的区域特异性氘化 X-氘代X氨基酸的立体特异性合成 珍妮特·罗斯, Paul D. Leeson和David Gani Artides,1569年,由二氯双(N-环戊二烯1)钛和铁粉促进的八-177-二烯的多氟烷基化,Chang-Ming 胡和Yao-Ling Qiu 1573 C-核苷研究。第 23 部分。3-(~-~-呋喃木糖基)吡唑的新型和更直接的合成。格兰特·布坎南(Grant Buchanan),M.路易莎·奎哈诺(Luisa Quijano)和理查德·威格特曼(Richard H. Wightman),1577年橄榄酸类似物。第 11 部分。x-亚乙基氮杂环丁酮的臭氧分解:臭氧化物碎裂为x-氨基酸-N-羧酸酐 John H. Bateson, Stephen C. M. Fell, Arun C.Kaura 和 Robert Southgate 1583 19-乙氧羰基-19-脱甲基长春烷基地裂胺的反应:19-乙氧羰基-19-脱甲基脱硫-长春胺的合成 Abdelhamid Belattar 和 J.Edwin Saxton 1587 紫杉烷中存在的双环[5.3.l]十一烷系统的简单方法 Goutam Saha、Atashi Karpha、Supti Saha Roy 和 Subrata Ghosh 1593 一些新的杂环铋-(In) 和 -(v) 化合物的合成和反应。5,10-二氢二苯并[b,e]二胺及相关体系 铃木瞳、村藤俊弘和长尾吾妻 1601 四氧锰酸盐(v1)和(VII)氧化1,lO-菲咯啉。1H-环戊二烯并[2,1-b:3,4-b']二吡啶-2,5-二酮的制备、结构和性质 Paul N. W. Baxter、Joseph A. Connor、John D. Wallis、David C. Povey 和 Anne K. Powell 1607 腔肠素类似物与 C-2 位苯基同系物的化学和生物发光 Chen Feng Qi, Yasushiro Gomi, Takashi Hirano, Mamoru Ohashi, Yoshihiro Ohmiya 和 Frederick I.Tsuji 1613 1,2-二氢异喹啉-3-甲醛的合成 久拉·西米格 161 7 一些意想不到的反应涉及二苯基乙烯酮 Rakesh Maurya, Carlos A. Pittol, Robert J. Pryce, Stanley M. Roberts, Russell J. Thomas and Julian 0.Williams 1 目录 1623 树枝状聚酰胺的合成 uia 趋同增长方法 Kathryn E. Uhrich 和 Jean M. J.FrCchet 1631 使用糖有机底物的水促进有机合成:Claisen 重排 AndrC Lubineau、Jacques AugC、Nathalie Bellanger 和 Sylvie Caillebourdin 1637 (2S,3S,8S,9S,4E,6E)-3-氨基-9-甲氧基-2,6,8-三甲基-lO-苯基癸-4,6-二烯酸(Adda)的立体控制合成,微囊藻毒素和结节蛋白的氨基酸特征 Mark F.Beatty、Clive Jennings-White 和 Mitchell A. Avery 1643 具有稳定同位素的选择性多标记组氨酸的合成和 L-天冬氨酸 L-组氨酸的手性合成 Takashi Furuta、Motofusa Katayama、Hiromi Shibasaki 和 Yasuji Kasuya 1649 几丁质酶抑制剂别沙胺的生物合成研究。碳和氮原子的起源 周泽阳、佐久田翔平和山田康弘 1653 化学酶合成同位素手性['3C]标记形式的抗病毒药物喷昔洛韦和泛昔洛韦的方法 John T. Sirne、Roger D. Barnes、Stephen W.EIson、Richard L. Jarvest 和 Kevin J.O'Toole 1659 二苯基二硫醚与过氧化二叔丁基和二苯甲酰促进的炔烃反应:3-(和 2,3-)取代的苯并[b]噻吩的有用合成路线 Luisa Benati、Pier Carlo Montevecchi 和 Piero Spagnolo 1665 13-epi-pimar-8( 14)-烯的 P-立体特异性硼化反应 Arturo San Feliciano、Manuel Medarde、Esther Caballero、Fernando Tomb 和 BelCn Hebrero 1671 异硫氰酸基-1-[ 1-(2-苯并[h]噻吩基)环己基]哌啶的合成, 多巴胺再摄取位点的潜在不可逆配体 Brian de Costa、Clifford George 和 Celia Dorninguez 1681 来自 Todddia usiatica (L.) Lam.( T. ucufeata Pers.) 的 (+)-toddalolactone 及其相关手性香豆素的绝对立体化学性质及其光学纯度 Hisashi Ishii、Jun-Ichi Kobayashi、Eri Sakurada 和 Tsutomu Ishikawa 1685 异戊二烯化苯酚酶催化形成2,2-二甲基色素环的机理和立体化学: 通过 deguelin 环化酶将 rot-2'-enonic acid 转化为 deguelin Prabha Bhandari、Leslie Crombie、Mark F. Harper、John T. Rossiter、Mark Sanders 和 Donald A. Whiting 1699 人胰岛素样生长因子 1 (IGF-1) 的 0-二甘露糖基化十七肽类似物的固相合成和表征 安妮塔·Jansson、Morten Meldal 和 Klaus Bock 1 709 二烯共轭 1,3-偶极中间体的反应:从苯甲腈邻烯基苄基亚胺形成环丙烷并[c]异喹啉及其重排为苯并氮杂卓类 Keith R.Motion、Ian R. Robertson、John T. Sharp 和 Malcolm D. Walkinshaw I721 光学活性硒基化物的合成和立体化学。(+)se-{4'-[(-)-薄荷氧羰基]苯基)(甲基)硒鎓 4,4-二甲基-2,6-二氧代环己基的X射线分子结构 上形信正、中村义弘、菊池浩一、池本伊雄、清水敏夫和松山春夫 1729 温和条件下2-烯基吡唑-3(2H)-酮衍生物的合成 Graziano Baccolini、Daniele Evangelisti、Corrado Rizzoli 和 Paolo Sgarabotto 1735 暴露于 y-羟基-+不饱和酮的环氧化和 Baeyer-Villiger 氧化间氯过苯甲酸 Marioara Mendelovici 和 Erwin Glotter 1741 会议日记 作者索引 足立,Tomohiro,1559 Auge,Jacques,163 1 Avery.Mitchell A.,1637 Azuma,Nagao,1593 Baccolini,Grdziano,1729 Barnes,Roger D.,1653 Bateson。John H.,1577 Baxter,Paul NW,1601 Beatty。Mark F.,1637 年贝拉塔尔,阿卜杜勒哈米德。1583 Bellanger,Nathalie,163 1 Benati,Luisa,1659 Bhandari,Prabha。1685 博克,克劳斯,1699 布坎南,J. 格兰特,1573 卡瓦列罗,以斯帖,1665 卡耶布尔丁,西尔维,163 1 康纳,约瑟夫 A.,1601 克伦比,莱斯利,1685 达斯。阿西什·I56 1 de Costa.布莱恩,1671 年多明格斯。西莉亚,167 1 埃尔森。斯蒂芬·, 1653 Evangelisti, Daniele, I729 Fell, Stephen C. M., 1577 Frechet, Jean M. J., 1623 藤原, 辰郎, 1555 古田, 隆, 1643 加尼, 大卫.1563 乔治, 克利福德, 167 1 戈什, 苏布拉塔, 1587 格洛特, 欧文, 1735 五味, 安城, 1607 哈珀, 马克 F., 1685 赫布雷罗, 贝尔恩, 1665 平野, 隆, 1607 平冈, 良市, 1559 本田俊夫, 1557 胡, 昌明, 1569 池本, 伊雄, 172 1 井上,广尾,1559 石井,久石,168 1 石川,津武,1681 杨松,安妮塔 M.,1699 贾维斯特,理查德 L.,1653 詹宁斯-怀特,克莱夫,1637 上形,信政,172 1 卡法,热石,1587 春屋,安司,I643 片山。Motofusa, 1643 Kaura, Arun C., 1577 菊池, Koichi, 172 1 木下健二, 1555 小林, Jun-Ichi, 168 1 小林雄二, 1557 小神雄二, 1555 李森, 保罗 D., 1563 卢比诺, 安德烈, 163 1 松山春夫, 1721 孔雀, 拉克什, 161 7 梅达德, 曼努埃尔, 1665 梅尔达尔, 莫滕, 1699 门德洛维奇, 马里奥阿拉, 1735 蒙特维奇, 皮尔卡洛, 1659 Morohoshi, Toshiro, 1555 运动, Keith R., 1709 村富士俊弘, 1593 中村义弘, 1721 大桥,Mamoru, 1607 大宫,义弘, 1607 奥图尔,凯文 J., 1653 皮托尔,卡洛斯 A., 1617 波维,大卫 C., 1601 鲍威尔,安妮 K., 1601 普赖斯,罗伯特 J., 1617 齐, 陈峰, 1607 邱耀玲, 1569 奎亚诺, M.路易莎, 1573 拉努, 布林达班 C., 1561 里佐利, 科拉多, 1729 罗伯茨, 斯坦利 M., 1617 罗伯逊, Ian R.,1709 年罗斯,珍妮特 E.,1563 年罗西特,约翰 T.,1685 年罗伊,Supti Saha,1587 年Saha,Goutam,1587 Sakuda,Shohei,1649 Sakurada。绘里,1681 圣费利西亚诺,阿图罗,1665 桑德斯,马克,1685 佐藤,雅之,1557 萨克斯顿,J. 埃德温,1583 斯加拉博托,保罗,1729 夏普,约翰 T.,1709 柴崎,博美,1643 清水俊夫,1721 西姆,约翰 T.,I653 西米格,久拉,161 3 索斯盖特,罗伯特,1577 斯帕尼奥洛,皮耶罗,1659 杉本,阿基拉,1559 铃木,秀明,1555 铃木,瞳,1593 竹中,中本聪,1555 托马斯, 罗素 J.,16 17 托梅,费尔南多,1665 辻,弗雷德里克一世,1607 乌里希,凯瑟琳 E.,1623 沃金肖,马尔科姆 D.,1709 沃利斯,约翰 D.,1601 怀廷,唐纳德 A.,1685 怀特曼,理查德 H.,1573 威廉姆斯,朱利安 O.,16 17 山田,安弘,1649 周,泽阳。1649 註:每篇論文的標題上都用星號表示將接收任何信件的作者。...111




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