首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >The chemistry of fungi. Part LXXI. Synthesis of 3,5-dihydroxy-4-methylbenzoic acid

The chemistry of fungi. Part LXXI. Synthesis of 3,5-dihydroxy-4-methylbenzoic acid

机译:真菌的化学性质。第 LXXI 部分。3,5-二羟基-4-甲基苯甲酸的合成



1382 J.C.S. Perkin IThe Chemistry of Fungi. Part LXX1.l Synthesis of 3,5-Dihydroxy-4-methylbenzoic AcidBy David R. Briggs and W. Basil Whalley,' The School of Pharmacy, The University of London, LondonA five-step synthesis of 3.5-dihydroxy-4-methylbenzoic acid from tri-O-methylgallic acid is described.WClN 1AXOUR syntheses2 of the sclerotiorin group of fungalmetabolites and of their numerous degradation productsuse 3,5-dihydroxy4-methylbenzoic acid as the startingmaterial. The supply of this deceptively simplesubstance has caused substantial problems since it isonly rarely available commercially and is extremelyinaccessible by the three previously reported syntheses.In the first method3 4-methylbenzoic acid is con-verted into the 3,5-bispotassiosulphonate, which is fusedwith potassium hydroxide.The fusion is most difficultto reproduce4 and usually furnishes largely (and fre-quently entirely) 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid, by oxidativeremoval of the methyl residue. The second5 method,which involves selective oxidation of p-orcinol dimethylether, is lengthy and gives the product in low yield, andthe starting material is expensive and not readilyavailable. The third preparation involves conversionof 3-methoxy-Z-methylphenol by lead tetra-acetate into2-acetoxy-3-met hoxy-met hylcyclohexa-3,5-dienone.1 Part LXX, M. Ahbab, A. D. Borthwick, J. W. Hooper,W. B. Whalley, G. Ferguson, and I?. C. Marsh, preceding paper.2 See, for example, R. W. Gray and W. B. Whalley, J . Ckem.SOC. (C), 1971, 3575 and references cited therein.(a) Y.Asahinaand J. Asano, Rer., 1933,66B. 687; (b) E. H.Charlesworth and R. Robinson, J . Chem. SOC., 1934, 1531.W. B. VVhalley (unpublished work) and personal com-munications from (the late) Alexander Robertson and (the late)Sir Robert Robinson and Dr. F. E. King.Hydrogen cyanide is then added to the ap-unsaturatedketonic system to yield the nitrile (l), which is methyl-ated. Sublimation of the methylation product furnishes3,5-dimethoxy-4-methylbenzonitrile (2), from which therequisite acid is obtained by hydrolysis and demethyl-ation-a low yielding multi-step process.None of these methods is suitable for large-scalepreparative operation, and after many unsuccessfulinvestigations we have devised a more practical syn-thesis from gallic acid, an inexpensive, easily availablematerial.Thus, Birch reduction of 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoicacid, combined with an improved isolation procedure,gives 1,4-dihydr0-3,5-dimethoxybenzoic acid in 94yield. The n.m.r.spectrum of this acid exhibits long-range coupling, J1,4 6.5 Hz, a feature observed in other1,4-dihydrobenzenes.* 1,4-Dihydrobenzenes are con-sidered to exist in the boat form and the magnitude ofthis 1,4-coupling is regarded as indicative of stereo-s F. Fujikawa and T. Kobayashi, J . Pharm. SOC. Japan, 1944,64, 7.F. Wessely, J. Swoboda, and V. Guth, Monatsh., 1964, 95,649.(a) A. J. Birch, P. Hextall, and S. Sternhell, Austral. J .Chem., 1954, 7 , 266; (b) M. E. Kuehne and B. F. Lambert, J .Amer.Clzem. SOC., 1959, 81, 4278.E. L. Eliel, N. L. Allinger, S. J. Angyal, and G. A. Morrison,' Conformational Analysis,' Interscience, New York, 1965, p. 1251976 1383chemistry. Thus with 1,4-dihydro-4-phenyl-l-trityl-benzene the coupling constant (JIJ of 11 Hz has beenassigned to the ' cis ' structure (3), whereas the lowervalue (7.5 Hz) has been associated with the ' trans'structure (4), By analogy 1,4-dihydra-3,5-dimethoxy-benzoic may be assigned a similar ' trans ' structure.Demethylation of this acid yields (quantitatively) 3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylic acid ( 5 ; R = H). By/ bsol;Me OAc MeR Meusing aqueous dioxan in a two-phase system we havesubstantially improved the process of Stetter andMeisel lo to yield the acid ( 5 ; R = Me), in 54 yield,identical with the product from the Birch reduction of3,5-dihydroxy4-met hylbenzoic acid.Bromination of the acid ( 5 ; R = Me) furnished aproduct which, in accord with the n.m.r.spectral data,is formulated as 2,6-dibromo-3,5-dihyamp;oxy4-methyl-benzoic acid, from which the halogen was removedalmost quantitatively by alkaline Raney nickel.A similar sequence of reactions with methyl 3,5-amp;0xo-cyclohexanecarboxylate gave methyl 3,5-dihydroxy-4-met hylbenzoat e.EXPERIMENTAL1,4-Dihydro-3,5-dimethoxybenzoic Acid.-Reduction of3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoic acid (24.5 g) , dissolved in ethanol(300 ml) and liquid ammonia (1 l), by addition of sodium(15 g) was complete in 0.5 h, and ammonium chloride (60 g)was then added.Next day the remaining solvent wasremoved under vacuum and the residue dissolved in ice-water (1 1) ; the solution was subjected to alternate additionof 10 hydrochloric acid (at -5 "C) and immediateextraction with dichloromethane. The yield of product issubstantially reduccd if extraction is carried out at a tem-perature exceeding ca. -5 "C. The total yield of 1,4-dihydro-3,5-dimethoxybenzoic acid, m.p. 106-107' (de-camp.) lit.,' 105" (decomp.) was 19.6 g (94) ; the productpossessed the requisite spectral properties.Methyl 3,5-Dioxocyclohexanecarboxylate.-(i) An excessof ethereal diazomethane was added, at 0 "C, to a solutionof 1,4-dihydro-3,5-dimethoxybenzoic acid (1 g) in methanol(25 ml), and 1 h later the excess of diazomethane and mostof the solvent were removed in vacuo.Hydrochloric acid(4 ; 10 ml) was added to the residue and 2.5 h later thesolid was collected and purified from aqueous methanol toyield methyl 3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxyZate in prisms, m.p.122' (Found: C, 56.5; H, 6.0. C8H1004 requires C, 56.5;H, 5.9), readily soluble in 2N-sodium hydrogen carbonate.(ii) An excess of diazomethane (in ether) was added to asolution of 1,4-dihydro-3,5-dimethoxybenzoic acid (1 g) inmethanol at 0 "C. Isolation of the product 15 min latergave methyl 1,4-dihydro-3,5-dimethoxybenzoate, whichformed unstable needles (0.8 g), m.p. 36" (from aqueousmethanol), 7 6.38 (6 H, s, C:C*OMe) and 6.28 (3 H, s,C0,Me). When this ester was stirred vigorously during30 min with hydrochloric acid (4; 10 ml), methyl 3,6-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylate (0.6 g) was formed, identicalwith that obtained from method (i).Treatment of this ester (0.5 g) in solution in methanol(80 ml) a t 0 "C with an excess of diazomethane gave methyl3-methoxy-6-oxocyclohex-3-enecarboxylate (0.5 g) in plates,m.p.72" (from ether) (Found: C, 68.5; H, 6.6. C,H1,O,requires C, 58.7 ; H, 6.5), insoluble in 2N-sodium hydrogencarbonate.4Methyl-3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylate.-(i) A solutionof sodium hydroxide (15 ; 40 ml) was added to a solutionof 3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylic acid (1 1.7 g) in water(20 ml) and dioxan (40 ml). Methyl iodide (10.7 g) wasadded to the cold, stirred solution, which was refluxed for16 h; a further addition of methyl iodide (1.1 g) was followedby refluxing for 4 h.The cold mixture was acidified with10 hydrochloric acid and maintained at 0 "C; severalcrops of yellow crystals were obtained; after separation ofeach batch, the solution was concentrated in vacuo. Purifi-cation from water gave 4methyl-3,5-dioxocyclohexanecar-boxylic acid (6.7 g ) in pale yellow prisms, m.p. 244"(decomp.) (Found: C, 55.9; H, 5.9. Calc. for C,H,,04:C, 56.5; H, 5.9) (1it.,lo m.p. 227").(ii) Reduction of 3,5-dimethoxy-4-methylbenzoic acid(1.0 g ) in liquid ammonia (50 ml) and ethanol (10 ml) byaddition of sodium (0.35 g) gave 1,4-dihydro-3,5-dimethoxy-kmethylbenzoic acid (0.4 g) in needles, m.p. 130" (fromether) (Found: C, 60.5; H, 7.1. C,,,Hl4O4 requires C,60.6; H, 7.1).Treatment of this acid (0.2 g) withhydrochloric acid (2 ; 5 ml) at 100 "C during 15 min gavea quantitative yield of 4-methyl-3,5-dioxocyclohexane-carboxylic acid, identical (t.l.c., i.r., and m.p. and mixedm.p.) with that prepared by method (i).3,5-Dihydroxy-4-methylbenzoic A cid.-(i) A suspension ofkmethyl-3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylic acid ( 1.4 g) inacetic acid (40 ml) was treated (with stirring) with a solutionof bromine (3.1 g ) in acetic acid (20 ml) during 10 min.The resultant solution was stirred a t 65 "C during 1.5 h,and the solvent was removed in vucuo to yield 2,8-dibromo-3,5-dihydroxy-4-methylbenzoic acid as a yellow solid (2.8 g) .This was dissolved, without purification, in sodiumhydroxide ( 2 ~ ; 70 ml) at 0 "C, and Raney nickel alloy(2.7 g) was added in small portions. The mixture wasstirred overnight.Next day 3,5-dihydroxy-4-methyl-benzoic acid (1.1 g) was isolated, m.p. 264--265', identicalwith an authentic sample.(ii) Methylation of 4-methyl-3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarb-oxylic acid (1.1 g) in methanol at 0 "C with an excess ofethereal diazomethane gave methyl 3-methoxy-4-methyl-5-oxocyclohex-3-enecarboxylate (0.9 g) in needles, m.p. 95'(from ether) (Found: C, 60.5; H, 7.2. C,,H,,O, requiresC, 60.6; H, 7.1). When this ester (0.6 g) was stirredwith hydrochloric acid (4; 12 ml) during 15 min theproduct (0.5 g) separated from dichloromethane to yieldmethyl 4-~nethyl-3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylate in squatprisms, m.p. 161-162.5' (Found: C, 58.5; H, 6.6.C,Hl,OpL. J. Durham, J. Studebaker, and M. J. Perkins, Chem.Comm., 1965, 466.lo H. Stetter and H. Meisel, Chew. Ber., 1957, 90, 2928requires C, 58.7; H, 6.5). A solution of this acid (0.28 g)in acetic acid (5 ml) was treated dropwise with bromine(0.65 g) dissolved in acetic acid (5 ml). After 2 h a t 55 "Cthe product was isolated and purified from carbon tetra-chloride to yield methyl 2,6-dibromo-3,5-dihydroxy-4-methyZ-benzoate in prisms (0.15 g), m.p. 161' (Found: C, 31.4;H, 2.6; Br, 46.1. C,H,Br204 requires C, 11.8; H, 2.4;Dr, 47.1). Treatment of this ester in 2~-sodiumhydroxide with an excess of Raney nickel during 1.5 hgave an almost quantitative conversion into 3,5-dihydroxy-4-methylbenzoic acid, identical (m.p., mixed m.p., t.l.c.,and i.r., n.m.r. , and mass spectra) with an authentic sample.3-Ethoxy-5-oxocyclohex-3-eneca~boxylic Acid.-A sus-pension of 3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylic acid (0.35 g) inether (50 ml) was added to a suspension of sodamide fromsodium (1 g) in liquid ammonia (100 ml). After removalof the ammonia the resultant sodio-derivative was re-J.C.S. Perltin Ifluxed with ether (50 ml) containing ethyl iodide (20 ml)during 24 h, to yield 3-ethoxy-5-oxocycZohexanecarboxyli~acid (0.2 g) in prisms, m.p. 119" (from dioxan) (Found:C, 58.6; H, 6.4. C,H1204 requires C, 58.7; H, 6.5).Formed similarly, the 3-methoxy-derivative was identicalwith that prepared previously by an alternative process.M e t h y l 4,PDimethyl-3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxy~ate.-Methylation of methyl 3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylate(0.2 g ) by the methyl iodide (1 g)-potassium carbonate(2 amp;-acetone (5 ml) method during 5 h gave methyl 4,4-dilstethyl-3,5-dioxocycZohexaneca~boxyEte (0.7 g) in needles,m.p. 65" (from ether) (Found: C, 60.9; H, 7.0. C,,H,,O,requires C, 60.6; H, 7.1).This work was carried out during the tenure of a TeachingFellowship (D. R. B.) a t The School of Pharmacy.5/2268 Received, 19th iVovembey, 1975
机译:1382 J.C.S. Perkin 真菌化学。第 LXX1.l 部分 3,5-二羟基-4-甲基苯甲酸的合成作者:David R. Briggs 和 W. Basil Whalley,伦敦大学药学院,伦敦描述了从三 O-甲基没食子酸合成 3.5-二羟基-4-甲基苯甲酸的五步法。以3,5-二羟基4-甲基苯甲酸为起始原料,合成了真菌代谢产物菌核苷酸基团及其众多降解产物的WClN 1AXOUR2。这种看似简单的物质的供应造成了实质性的问题,因为它在商业上很少获得,而且以前报道的三种合成物质极不可能获得。在第一种方法3中,将4-甲基苯甲酸转化为3,5-二斑苏代磺酸酯,后者与氢氧化钾融合。这种融合最难重现4,通常通过氧化去除甲基残基来提供大部分(并且经常完全)3,5-二羟基苯甲酸。第二种5方法涉及对奥儿酚二甲醚的选择性氧化,方法冗长,产物收率低,起始材料昂贵且不易获得。第三种制备涉及将3-甲氧基-Z-甲基苯酚通过四乙酸铅转化为2-乙酰氧基-3-甲基-3-甲基-%met乙基环己-3,5-二烯酮.1 LXX部分,M.Ahbab,A.D.Borthwick,J.W.Hooper,W.B.Whalley,G.Ferguson和我?.C. Marsh, 前面的论文.2 例如,参见R. W. Gray and W. B. Whalley, J .Ckem.SOC。(C), 1971, 3575 和其中引用的参考文献。(a) Y.Asahinaand J. Asano, Rer., 1933,66B.687;(b) E.H.查尔斯沃思和R.罗宾逊法官。Chem. SOC., 1934, 1531.W. B. VVhalley(未发表的著作)和(已故)Alexander Robertson和(已故)Robert Robinson爵士和F. E. King博士的个人通信。甲基化产物的升华提供3,5-二甲氧基-4-甲基苯甲腈(2),通过水解和去甲基化(一种低产率的多步骤过程)从中获得必需的酸。这些方法都不适合大规模制备操作,经过多次不成功的研究,我们从没食子酸(一种廉价、容易获得的材料)中设计出一种更实用的合成方法。因此,桦木还原3,4,5-三甲氧基苯甲酸,结合改进的分离程序,得到1,4-二氢0-3,5-二甲氧基苯甲酸,收率为94%。这种酸的n.m.r.光谱表现出长程耦合,J1,4 6.5 Hz,这是在其他1,4-二氢苯中观察到的特征。 1,4-二氢苯被认为以舟的形式存在,这种1,4-偶联的大小被认为是立体-s F. Fujikawa 和 T. Kobayashi, J 的指示。日本,1944,64,7.F. Wessely, J. Swoboda, and V. Guth, Monatsh., 1964, 95,649.(a) A. J. Birch, P. Hextall, and S. Sternhell, Austral. J .Chem., 1954, 7 , 266;(b) M. E. Kuehne和B.兰伯特,J .Amer.Clzem. SOC., 1959, 81, 4278.E. L. Eliel, N. L. Allinger, S. J. Angyal, and G. A. Morrison,' Conformational Analysis,' Interscience, New York, 1965, p. 1251976 1383chemistry.因此,对于1,4-二氢-4-苯基-l-三苯甲基苯,耦合常数(11 Hz的JIJ)被分配给“顺式”结构(3),而较低的值(7.5 Hz)与“反式”结构(4)相关,以此类推,1,4-二氢-3,5-二甲氧基苯甲酸可以被分配类似的“反式”结构。该酸的去甲基化产生(定量)3,5-二氧代环己烷羧酸(5;R = H)。By/ \Me OAc MeR 在两相体系中使用二恶烷水溶液,我们大大改进了 Stetter 和 Meisel lo 产生酸 ( 5 ;R=Me),收率为54%,与3,5-二羟基4-甲基苯甲酸的桦木还原产物相同。酸的溴化 ( 5 ;R = Me)提供的一种产品,根据n.m.r.光谱数据,配制成2,6-二溴-3,5-二氢氧基4-甲基苯甲酸,碱性雷尼镍几乎定量地从中除去卤素。与3,5-&0xo-环己烷甲酸甲酯的类似反应序列得到3,5-二羟基-4-甲基苯甲酸甲酯e.EXPERIMENTAL1,4-二氢-3,5-二甲氧基苯甲酸。第二天,在真空下除去剩余的溶剂,并将残留物溶解在冰水中(1,1);将溶液交替加入10%盐酸(在-5“C)中,并立即用二氯甲烷萃取。如果在超过约-5“C的温度下进行提取,则产品的收率会大大降低。1,4-二氢-3,5-二甲氧基苯甲酸的总收率,熔点106-107'(de-camp.)[lit.,' 105“ (分解)]是 19.6 克 (94%) ;该产品具有必要的光谱特性。3,5-二氧代环己烷羧酸甲酯-(i)在0“C下,向1,4-二氢-3,5-二甲氧基苯甲酸(1g)的甲醇(25ml)溶液中加入过量的空灵重氮甲烷,1小时后真空除去过量的重氮甲烷和大部分溶剂。将盐酸(4%;10ml)加入到残留物中,2.5小时后收集固体,从甲醇水溶液中纯化,在棱镜中生成3,5-二氧代环己烷羧酸甲酯,m.p.122'(发现:C,56.5;H,6.0。C8H1004需要 C,56.5;H,5.9%),易溶于2N-碳酸氢钠。(ii)在0“C下向1,4-二氢-3,5-二甲氧基苯甲酸(1g)甲醇溶液中加入过量的重氮甲烷(以醚计),15分钟后分离产物得到1,4-二氢-3,5-二甲氧基苯甲酸甲酯,形成不稳定针(0.8 g),熔点36”(来自甲醇水溶液),7 6.38(6 H,s,C:C*OMe)和6.28(3 H, s,C0,Me)。当该酯用盐酸(4%;10ml)剧烈搅拌30分钟时,形成3,6-二氧代环己烷甲酸甲酯(0.6g),与方法(i)相同。用过量的重氮甲烷处理该酯(0.5g)在甲醇(80ml)a t 0“C溶液中的溶液,得到3-甲氧基-6-氧代环己-3-烯羧酸甲酯(0.5g),m.p.72”(来自乙醚)(发现:C,68.5;H,6.6。C,H1,O,需要C,58.7;H,6.5%),不溶于2N-碳酸氢钠.4甲基-3,5-二氧代环己烷羧酸酯.-(i)将氢氧化钠(15%;40ml)的溶液加入到3,5-二氧代环己烷羧酸(1 1.7 g)的水(20 ml)和二恶六环(40 ml)的溶液中。将碘甲烷(10.7g)加入到冷液中,搅拌,回流16 h;再加入碘甲烷(1.1 g)回流4 h,冷混合物用10%盐酸化,维持在0“C;获得了数种黄色晶体;每批分离后,将溶液真空浓缩。从水中纯化得到4甲基-3,5-二氧代环己烷羧酸(6.7 g),呈淡黄色棱柱,熔点244“(分解。(发现: C, 55.9;H,5.9。C,H,,04:C的计算值, 56.5;H, 5.9%) (1it.,lo m.p. 227“)。(ii)通过添加钠(0.35 g)还原液氨(50 ml)和乙醇(10 ml)中的3,5-二甲氧基-4-甲基苯甲酸(1.0 g),得到1,4-二氢-3,5-二甲氧基-k甲基苯甲酸(0.4 g),m.p.130“ (fromether) (发现值: C, 60.5;H,7.1。C,,,Hl4O4需要C,60.6;H,7.1%)。用盐酸(2%;5ml)在100“C下处理该酸(0.2g)15分钟,得到4-甲基-3,5-二氧代环己烷羧酸的定量产率,相同(T.L.C.、I.R.和m.p.和mixedm.p.)用方法(i).3,5-二羟基-4-甲基苯甲酸Acid.-(i)将甲基-3,5-二氧代环己烷羧酸(1.4g)乙酸(40ml)的悬浮液用溴(3.1g)的乙酸溶液(20ml)处理(搅拌)10分钟。将所得溶液在t 65“C下搅拌1.5 h,并在vucuo中除去溶剂,得到黄色固体2,8-二溴-3,5-二羟基-4-甲基苯甲酸(2.8 g)。将其溶解在氢氧化钠(2~;70毫升)中,在0“C下,并小份加入雷尼镍合金(2.7克)。将混合物搅拌过夜。次日分离出3,5-二羟基-4-甲基苯甲酸(1.1g),熔点264--265',与真品相同。(ii) 4-甲基-3,5-二氧代环己烷-氧代环己烷-氧酸(1.1 g)在0“C下在甲醇中的甲基化反应,过量的二氮甲烷在针头中得到3-甲氧基-4-甲基-5-氧代环己-3-烯羧酸甲酯(0.9 g),熔点95'(来自乙醚)(发现:C,60.5;H,7.2。C,,H,,O, 要求C, 60.6;H,7.1%)。当该酯(0.6g)用盐酸(4%;12ml)搅拌15分钟时,产物(0.5 g)从二氯甲烷中分离得到4-~nethyl-3,5-二氧代环己烷羧酸甲酯,熔点161-162.5'(发现:C,58.5;H,6.6.C,Hl,OpL。J. Durham、J. Studebaker 和 MJ Perkins,Chem.Comm.,1965 年,466.lo H. Stetter 和 H. Meisel,Chew。Ber., 1957, 90, 2928requires C, 58.7;H,6.5%)。将该酸(0.28g)在乙酸(5ml)中的溶液用溶解在乙酸(5ml)中的溴(0.65g)滴加处理。2 h a t 55“后,从四氯化碳中分离纯化产物,在棱镜(0.15 g)中生成2,6-二溴-3,5-二羟基-4-甲基Z-苯甲酸甲酯,熔点161'(发现:C,31.4;H, 2.6;Br,46.1。C,H,Br204需要C,11.8;H, 2.4;博士,47.1%)。在1.5小时内,用过量的雷尼镍在2~氢氧化钠中处理该酯,几乎定量转化为3,5-二羟基-4-甲基苯甲酸,与真实样品相同(熔点,混合物价,TLC和IR,NMR和质谱).3-乙氧基-5-氧代环己烷-3-烯ca~羧酸.-将3,5-二氧代环己烷羧酸(0.35g)醚(50ml)的悬浮液加入到液氨(100ml)中的钠酰胺悬浮液中。除去氨后,所得的钠衍生物为re-J.C.S.。Perltin Iflux 与含有碘化乙酯 (20 ml) 的乙醚 (50 ml) 在 24 小时内,在棱柱中生成 3-乙氧基-5-氧杂环己烷羧酸~酸 (0.2 g),熔点 119“(来自二恶六环)(发现:C,58.6;H,6.4。C,H1204要求C,58.7;H,6.5%)。以类似方式形成的3-甲氧基衍生物与先前通过替代方法制备的3-甲氧基衍生物相同。4,PDimethyl-3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxy~ate.-用碘甲烷(1g)-碳酸钾(2)和丙酮(5ml)法在5小时内甲基化3,5-二氧代环己烷羧酸甲酯(0.2g)(发现:C,60.9;H,7.0。C,,H,,O,需要C,60.6;H,7.1%)。这项工作是在药学院教学奖学金 (DRB) 任职期间进行的。[5/2268 收稿日期, 1975年第19届 iVovembey




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