首页> 外文期刊>Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift >Multifocal osteomyelitis and abdominal abscessation in a warmblood foal

Multifocal osteomyelitis and abdominal abscessation in a warmblood foal


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To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report, in which a simultaneous occurrence of Salmonella-associated multifocal osteomyelitis and intra-abdominal abscessation in a foal presenting with weight loss, diarrhea and fever is described. No evidence of failure of passive immune transfer had been present at birth. Radiographic examination revealed multifocal type P osteomyelitis. Bacterial culture of synovial fluid revealed a Salmonella spp. Antibiotic treatment was adjusted based on the sensitivity results; however without clinical improvement. The foal developed abscess formations within the left femoral region, and finally a Salter Harris type I fracture of the left femur. Euthanasia was elected based on this finding. Post-mortem computed tomography revealed a large mass within the caudal abdomen that extended into the left pelvic and hind limb region, as well as multifocal osteomyelitis. Pathological examination identified the mass as a large abscess with multiple fistula tracts. Salmonella spp. was additionally cultured postmortem.
机译:据作者所知,这是第一份报告,其中描述了在表现为体重减轻、腹泻和发烧的小马驹中同时发生沙门氏菌相关多灶性骨髓炎和腹腔内脓肿。出生时没有被动免疫转移失败的证据。影像学检查显示多灶性P型骨髓炎。滑液细菌培养显示沙门氏菌属。根据药敏试验结果调整抗生素治疗方案;然而,没有临床改善。小马驹在左股骨区域内形成脓肿,最后左股骨发生 Salter Harris I 型骨折。安乐死就是根据这一发现选出的。尸检计算机断层扫描显示尾腹内有一大块肿块,延伸至左骨盆和后肢区域,以及多灶性骨髓炎。病理检查发现肿块为大脓肿,伴有多处瘘管。沙门氏菌属在死后额外培养。




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