首页> 外文期刊>Pacific Science: A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region >Limnological Characterization of Volcanic Crater Lakes on Uvea Island (Wallis and Futuna, South Pacific)

Limnological Characterization of Volcanic Crater Lakes on Uvea Island (Wallis and Futuna, South Pacific)


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Species composition and vertical distribution of planktonic organisms in Lakes Lalolalo, Lanutavake, and Lano on the Pacific island of Uvea were investigated in relation to physicochemical water column profiles of temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and pH. The meromictic lakes Lalolalo (maximum depth 88.5 m) and Lanutavake (23.6 m) exhibited a strong chemocline with anoxic conditions below 10 m depth. Mixis was inhibited by sheltered topography, thermal stratification, and in Lalolalo a strong halocline. Crustaceans and rotifers were limited to the oxygenated epilimnion, but diversity and density of ciliates were highest within and below the chemocline. In Lalolalo, euryhaline rotifers dominated the community, reflecting the brackish condition of the lake. Species richness and densities were highest within the shallow lake Lano (3.5 m). On a calm day, hypoxic conditions occurred near the sediment-water interface, but higher oxygen concentrations were observed after heavy winds, indicating occasional mixis. In total, 32 phytoplankton species, 23 ciliate taxa, 18 rotiferan, 1 cladoceran, 1 copepod, and 1 gastrotrich species were identified in the pelagic zones of all three lakes.
机译:研究了太平洋葡萄膜岛拉洛拉洛湖、拉努塔瓦克湖和拉诺湖浮游生物的物种组成和垂直分布,并与温度、电导率、溶解氧和pH值的物理化学水柱剖面有关。拉洛拉洛湖(最大深度88.5 m)和拉努塔瓦克湖(23.6 m)在10 m深度以下缺氧条件下表现出强烈的趋化层。Mixis受到遮蔽地形、热分层和Lalolalo强盐层的抑制。甲壳类动物和轮虫仅限于含氧的表层,但纤毛虫的多样性和密度在趋化层内和下方最高。在拉洛拉洛,圆轮虫在社区中占主导地位,反映了湖泊的咸水状况。物种丰富度和密度在浅湖拉诺(3.5 m)内最高。在风平浪静的日子里,沉积物-水界面附近出现了缺氧条件,但在大风过后观察到氧气浓度较高,表明偶尔会出现混合。在3个湖泊的中上层区共鉴定出浮游植物32种、纤毛虫类群23种、轮虫类18种、枝角类1种、桡足类1种和腹足类1种。




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