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Metamaterials and the problem of creating invisible objects. 1. Objects with size less than a wavelength

机译:超材料和创建不可见物体的问题。1. 尺寸小于波长的物体

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Metamaterials have undergone intense development in the past decade. These are artificial materials consisting of structural elements whose form and relative position can be specified during fabrication. It has been shown to be possible to adjust the electric and magnetic responses of such materials to the action of electromagnetic radiation within wide limits. This has made it possible not only to create metamaterials with a negative refractive index but also to pose the question of the possibility of creating invisible objects. Intense discussion of the problem of creating invisible objects began in 2005, so that there are by now several dozen papers on this topic. This paper presents the first part of a review of the problem of creating invisible objects, concentrating on objects whose size is less than a wavelength of electromagnetic radiation. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.
机译:超材料在过去十年中经历了激烈的发展。这些是由结构元素组成的人造材料,其形状和相对位置可以在制造过程中指定。已经证明可以在很宽的范围内调整此类材料对电磁辐射作用的电和磁响应。这使得不仅可以制造具有负折射率的超材料,还可以提出创建不可见物体的可能性问题。从2005年开始,关于创造不可见物体问题的激烈讨论,到目前为止,关于这个主题的论文已经有几十篇了。本文介绍了创建不可见物体问题的第一部分,重点关注尺寸小于电磁辐射波长的物体。(C) 2008年美国光学学会。




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