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Comment: The big risk to your systems may not come from outside


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The insider threat represents one of the greatest challenges to businesses trying to stave off a constant barrage of cybersecurity attacks. CYBERCRIMINALS are no longer mere teenagers programming a virus here and there in their own time. Cybercrime has become an industry, one that is ingenious when it comes to exploiting human weaknesses. Cybercriminals often use insiders as part of their malicious 'toolset', to help breach the perimeter of an organisation and perpetrate their crimes. Research by Kaspersky Lab and B2B International has found that 28 per cent of all cyber attacks and 38 per cent of targeted attacks now involve malicious activity by insiders.
机译:内部威胁是企业面临的最大挑战之一,这些企业试图避免持续的网络安全攻击。网络犯罪分子不再只是青少年,在他们自己的时间里到处编写病毒。网络犯罪已经成为一个行业,一个在利用人类弱点方面非常巧妙的行业。网络犯罪分子经常使用内部人员作为其恶意“工具集”的一部分,以帮助突破组织的边界并实施犯罪。卡巴斯基实验室和B2B International的研究发现,现在28%的网络攻击和38%的针对性攻击涉及内部人员的恶意活动。




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