首页> 外文期刊>Value in health: the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research >Mind the Gap: Hospitalizations from Multiple Sources in a Longitudinal Study

Mind the Gap: Hospitalizations from Multiple Sources in a Longitudinal Study


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Background: Medicare claims and prospective studies with self reported utilization are important sources of hospitalization data for epidemiologic and outcomes research. Objectives: To assess the concordance of Medicare claims merged with interview-based surveillance data to determine factors associated with source completeness. Methods: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study recruited 15,792 cohort participants aged 45 to 64 years in the period 1987 to 1989 from four communities. Hospitalization records obtained through cohort report and hospital record abstraction were matched to Medicare inpatient records (MedPAR) from 2006 to 2011. Factors associated with concordance were assessed graphically and using multinomial logit regression. Results: Among fee-for-service enrollees, MedPAR and ARIC hospitalizations matched approximately 67 of the time. For Medicare Advantage enrollees, completeness increased after initiation of hospital financial incentives in 2008 to submit shadow bills for Medicare Advantage enrollees. Concordance varied by geographic site, age, veteran status, proximity to death, study attrition, and whether hospitalizations were within ARIC catchment areas. Conclusions: ARIC and MedPAR records had good concordance among fee-for-service enrollees, but many hospitalizations were available from only one source. MedPAR hospital records may be missing for veterans or observation stays. Maintaining study participation increases stay completeness, but new sources such as electronic health records may be more efficient than surveillance for mobile elderly populations.
机译:背景:医疗保险索赔和自我报告利用的前瞻性研究是流行病学和结果研究住院数据的重要来源。研究目的: 评估医疗保险索赔与基于访谈的监测数据相结合的一致性,以确定与来源完整性相关的因素。方法:社区动脉粥样硬化风险 (ARIC) 研究在 1987 年至 1989 年期间从四个社区招募了 15,792 名年龄在 45 至 64 岁之间的队列参与者。2006 年至 2011 年,通过队列报告和医院记录摘要获得的住院记录与 Medicare 住院记录 (MedPAR) 相匹配。与一致性相关的因素以图形方式评估,并使用多项式 logit 回归。结果:在按服务收费的参保者中,MedPAR 和 ARIC 住院治疗的匹配率约为 67%。对于Medicare Advantage参保人,在2008年启动医院财务激励措施,为Medicare Advantage参保人提交影子账单后,完整性有所提高。一致性因地理位置、年龄、退伍军人身份、死亡接近程度、研究自然减员以及住院治疗是否在ARIC集水区内而异。结论:ARIC 和 MedPAR 记录在按服务收费的登记者中具有良好的一致性,但许多住院治疗只能从一个来源获得。退伍军人或观察逗留的 MedPAR 医院记录可能缺失。保持研究参与可以提高住宿的完整性,但电子健康记录等新来源可能比对流动老年人群的监测更有效。




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