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Seed destruction of weeds in southern US crops using heat and narrow-windrow burning


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Narrow-windrow burning has been a successful form of harvest weed seed control in Australian cropping systems, but little is known about the efficacy of narrow-windrow burning on weed seeds infesting U.S. cropping systems. An experiment was conducted using a high-fire kiln that exposed various grass and broadleaf weed seeds to temperatures of 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 C for 20, 40, 60, and 80 s to determine the temperature and time needed to kill weed seeds. Weeds evaluated included Italian ryegrass, barnyardgrass, johnsongrass, sicklepod, Palmer amaranth, prickly sida, velvetleaf, pitted morningglory, and hemp sesbania. Two field experiments were also conducted over consecutive growing seasons, with the first experiment aimed at determining the amount of heat produced during burning of narrow windrows of soybean harvest residues (chaff and straw) and the effect of this heat on weed seed mortality. The second field experiment aimed to determine the effect of wind speed on the duration and intensity of burning narrow windrows of soybean harvest residues. Following exposure to the highest temperature and longest duration in the kiln, only sicklepod showed any survival (<1 average); however, in most cases, the seeds were completely destroyed (ash). A heat index of only 22,600 was needed to kill all seeds of Palmer amaranth, barnyardgrass, and Italian ryegrass. In the field, all seeds of the evaluated weed species were completely destroyed by narrow-windrow burning of 1.08 to 1.95 kg m(-2)of soybean residues. The burn duration of the soybean harvest residues declined as wind speed increased. Findings from the kiln and field experiments show that complete kill is likely for weed seeds concentrated into narrow windrows of burned soybean residues. Given the low cost of implementation of narrow-windrow burning and the seed kill efficacy on various weed species, this strategy may be an attractive option for destroying weed seed.
机译:窄风焚烧一直是澳大利亚种植系统中收获杂草种子控制的一种成功形式,但对窄风焚烧对侵扰美国种植系统的杂草种子的功效知之甚少。使用高火窑进行实验,将各种草和阔叶杂草种子暴露在 200、300、400、500 和 600 C 的温度下 20、40、60 和 80 秒,以确定杀死杂草种子所需的温度和时间。评估的杂草包括意大利黑麦草、稗草、约翰逊草、镰刀类、帕尔默苋菜、刺天鹅绒、天鹅绒叶、去核牵牛花和大麻。在连续的生长季节还进行了两次田间试验,第一个实验旨在确定在燃烧大豆收获残茬(谷壳和秸秆)的狭窄风行时产生的热量以及这种热量对杂草种子死亡率的影响。第二个田间试验旨在确定风速对燃烧大豆收获残茬窄行的持续时间和强度的影响。在窑中暴露于最高温度和最长的持续时间后,只有镰刀足类动物表现出任何存活率(平均<1%);然而,在大多数情况下,种子被完全破坏(灰烬)。只需要 22,600 的热指数就可以杀死帕尔默苋菜、稗草和意大利黑麦草的所有种子。在田间,被评估的杂草种类的所有种子都被窄风燃烧完全破坏。08 至 1.95 kg m(-2) 大豆残渣。大豆收获残茬的燃烧时间随着风速的增加而降低。窑炉和田间实验的结果表明,杂草种子集中在燃烧的大豆残渣的狭窄风行中,可能会完全杀死。鉴于实施窄风焚烧的成本低,并且对各种杂草物种的种子杀灭效果,该策略可能是破坏杂草种子的一个有吸引力的选择。




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