首页> 外文期刊>Pacific Science: A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region >Wartime Medical Cooperation across the Pacific: Wilder Penfield and the Anglo-American Medical Missions to the Soviet Union and China, 1943-1944

Wartime Medical Cooperation across the Pacific: Wilder Penfield and the Anglo-American Medical Missions to the Soviet Union and China, 1943-1944


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In July 1943, Wilder Penfield, an internationally renowned Canadian neurosurgeon, led a high-profile group of Anglo-American surgeons in a 3-week tour of Soviet medical facilities and battlefield hospitals. This venture paved the way for other medical missions, both Allied and Soviet, and the communication of medical information. This was followed by a mission to China, to provide assistance to the government of Chiang Kai-shek. The most important connection was, however, between Western medical scientists and their counterparts in the Soviet Union, a relationship that lasted until the advent of the Cold War. In this paper the exchange is examined, and it is argued that the surgical mission was a major catalyst in the creation of an extensive system of wartime medical interchange, which inspired hope for future cooperation in the postwar world.
机译:1943 年 7 月,国际知名的加拿大神经外科医生怀尔德·彭菲尔德 (Wilder Penfield) 率领一群备受瞩目的英美外科医生参观了苏联的医疗设施和战地医院,为期 3 周。这一冒险为盟军和苏联的其他医疗任务以及医疗信息的交流铺平了道路。随后,他访问了中国,向蒋介石政府提供援助。然而,最重要的联系是西方医学科学家与苏联同行之间的联系,这种关系一直持续到冷战到来。本文研究了这种交流,并认为外科手术任务是创建广泛的战时医疗交流系统的主要催化剂,这激发了战后世界未来合作的希望。




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