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Algorithms on the beat: AI AND THE FUTURE OF POLICING


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THERE ARE NOW so many businesses trying to sell what purports to be artificial intelligence (AI) to UK law enforcement agencies that you might be forgiven for wondering whether British police might soon need to develop their own algorithms just to work out which products are worth having and which are less so. Palantir, Ripjar and LexisNexis are among the talked-about names known to be marketing their data-fuelled systems to the police and security services. Home Secretary Amber Rudd is hoping to harness the power of data analytics to zero-in on stabbing hotspots, American company PredPol has had its predictive technology Mailed by Kent Police, while Durham Constabulary has used a machine-learning system to assess the risk of some individuals reoffending.
机译:现在有如此多的企业试图向英国执法机构出售所谓的人工智能(AI),你可能会想知道英国警方是否很快需要开发自己的算法,只是为了弄清楚哪些产品值得拥有,哪些不那么值得拥有。Palantir、Ripjar 和 LexisNexis 是众所周知的知名公司之一,他们正在向警察和安全部门推销他们的数据驱动系统。内政大臣安珀·拉德(Amber Rudd)希望利用数据分析的力量来锁定刺伤热点,美国公司PredPol的预测技术已由肯特警方邮寄,而达勒姆警察局则使用机器学习系统来评估某些人再次犯罪的风险。




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