首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Medical Directors Association >POLST Is More Than a Code Status Order Form: Suggestions for Appropriate POLST Use in Long-Term Care

POLST Is More Than a Code Status Order Form: Suggestions for Appropriate POLST Use in Long-Term Care

机译:POLST 不仅仅是一个代码状态订单:在长期护理中适当使用 POLST 的建议

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POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) is a medical order form used to document preferences about cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), medical interventions such as hospitalization, care in the intensive care unit, and/or ventilation, as well as artificial nutrition. Programs based on the POLST paradigm are used in virtually every state under names that include POST (Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment), MOLST (Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment), and MOST (Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment), and these forms are used in the care of hundreds of thousands of geriatric patients every year. Although POLST is intended for persons who are at risk of a life-threatening clinical event due to a serious life-limiting medical condition, some nursing homes and residential care settings use POLST to document CPR preferences for all residents, resulting in potentially inappropriate use with patients who are ineligible because they are too healthy. This article focuses on reasons that POLST is used as a default code status order form, the risks associated with this practice, and recommendations for nursing homes to implement appropriate use of POLST. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.
机译:POLST(维持生命治疗的医嘱)是一种医疗医嘱表,用于记录有关心肺复苏 (CPR)、医疗干预(如住院、重症监护病房护理和/或通气)以及人工营养的偏好。几乎每个州都使用基于 POLST 范式的程序,其名称包括 POST(治疗范围的医嘱)、MOLST(维持生命的治疗医嘱)和 MOST(治疗范围的医嘱),这些表格每年用于护理数十万老年患者。尽管 POLST 适用于因严重限制生命的医疗状况而面临危及生命的临床事件风险的人,但一些疗养院和住宅护理机构使用 POLST 来记录所有居民的心肺复苏术偏好,导致可能不恰当地用于因过于健康而不符合资格的患者。本文重点介绍将 POLST 用作默认代码状态订单的原因、与这种做法相关的风险,以及为疗养院实施适当使用 POLST 的建议。(c) 2021 年作者。由爱思唯尔公司(Elsevier Inc.)代表AMDA(急性后和长期护理医学协会)出版。




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