首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Formation of certain substituted 5H-pyrrolo2,3-bpyrazines by thermal cyclisation of pyrazinylhydrazones and a route to 5H-pyrazino2,3-bindole; a synthesis of 5H-pyrrolo2,3-b pyrazine and some of its properties

Formation of certain substituted 5H-pyrrolo2,3-bpyrazines by thermal cyclisation of pyrazinylhydrazones and a route to 5H-pyrazino2,3-bindole; a synthesis of 5H-pyrrolo2,3-b pyrazine and some of its properties




1976 1361Formation of Certain Substituted 5H-Pyrrolo2,3-bpyrazines by ThermalCyclisation of Pyrazinylhydrazones and a Route to 5H-Pyrazino2,3-amp;in-dole ; a Synthesis of 5H-PyrroIo2,3-b pyrazine and Some of its PropertiesBy Bernard A. J. Clark, John Parrick," and (in part) Roderick J. J. Dorgan, School of Chemistry, BrunelThermal (non-catalytic) cyclisation of the pyrazinylhydrazones (6a-i) caused ring closure on to the carbon atomof the pyrazine nucleus to give the 3-substituted and 2.3-disubstituted 5H-pyrrolo2,3-6pyrazines (7a-g), (8).and (9), respectively. 6,7,8,9-Tetrahydro-5H-pyrazino2,3-6 indole (79) was dehydrogenated to the parentpyrazino2,3-6 indole (1 5 ) . Pyrrolo2,3-bpyrazine (7h) has been obtained from 2-amino-3-methylpyrazineand some of its properties have been investigated.University, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PHWE have shown that pyridylhydrazones may be cyclisedto yield pyrrolopyridines (azaindoles) .1*2 The presenceAr N H .N : CR .CH, R'( 1 ) Ar = 4-pyrimidyl L3-F: N NH( 3 )(2) Ar = 3-pyridylH 'H(4 1 ( 5 )of an additional nitrogen atom in the nuclei of pyrimi-dine, pyrazine, and pyridazine as compared with pyri-dine might be expected to reduce the ease of cyclisationof their heteroarylhydrazones as compared with thecorresponding pyridylhydrazones. There appeared tobe some evidence 3 to support this idea: although somesuccessful cyclisations of 4-pyrimidylhydrazones (1) topyrrolo2,3-amp;jpyrimidines (3) have been reported, theconversion was generally not as smooth as in the case ofthe corresponding 2-pyridylhydrazones.This findinghas recently been extended and ~onfirmed.~ Themechanism of the thermal cyclisation is not establishedbut it has been suggested that it may be a concertedpr0cess.~953-Pyridylhydrazones (2) give mainly pyrrolo3,2-b-pyridines (a), formed by cyclisation on to the 2-position,with only small quantities of pyrrolo2,3-cpyridines (5)produced by reaction at the 4-position. This indicatesthat cyclisation on to the position adjacent to a ringnitrogen atom is the favoured process and led us to thinkthat pyrazinylhydrazones (6a-i) might cyclise at the 3-position to give derivatives of pyrrolo2,3-bpyrazine.The pyrrolo2,3-bpyrazine nucleus had only once beenreported when this work was done.Hydrazinopyrazine was readily converted into a seriesof solid hydrazones (6a-i).Ammonia was evolvedwhen solutions of these pyrazinylhydrazones in diethyl-ene glycol were refluxed, and elemental analysis of theproducts was consistent with the presence of either theA. H. Kellyand J. Parrick, Canad. J . Chem., 1966,44, 2455.A. H. Kelly and J. Parrick, J . Chem. SOG. ( C ) , 1970, 303.P. A. Crooks and B. Robinson, Canad. J . Chern., 1969, 47,T. D. Duffy and D. G. Wibberley, J.C.S. Perkin I I , 1974,2061.1921.pyrrolo2,3-bpyrazine or the isomeric imidazol,2-a-pyrazine (10) ring system. However, the i.r. spectra ofall the isolated products showed absorption in the region3 125-3 200 cm-l attributable to NH.Also, the n.m.r.spectra showed only two remaining signals 'due toprotons of the pyrazine nucleus, and a low-field signalremovable on addition of D20, thus confirming theassignment of the pyrrolo2,3-bpyrazine structures (7a-i), (euro;9, and (9) to these new compounds.The parent pyrrolo2,3-bpyrazine (7h) was obtainedin 74 yield from 2-amino-3-methylpyrazine (1 1).Treatment with triethyl orthoformate gave the unstableethyl N-(3-methylpyrazin-2-yl)formimidate (12) (66)which, when heated with N-methylaniline at 180 "CH(6)a; R'=H, R2 =Mec; R' = R2=Med; R'= Ph, R2=Mee; R1= Me, R2=Phf ; R'= R2=Ph9; R' R2 = CHdch; R2CH2-CR1 = indan-l-ylidene h; R' = R2 = Hi ; R2CH2.CR1 =1,234-tetra-(7)a; R' = H, R2 =Mec; R' =R2 =Med; R' = Ph,R2 =Mee; R1 =Me,R2= Phf; R' = R 2 = Phg; R'and R2= CH24i; R' =H.R2=CH0j; R' = H,R2= NO2k; R' =H,R2=6rb; R'= H, R2 =Ph b; R' =H,R2 =Phhydro-1-naphthylidenereadily gave W-met hyl-N2- (3-me t hylpyrazin-2-yl) -N1-phenylformamidine (13).The amidine (13) was thentreated with sodium N-methylanilide at 180 "C. Re-cently, Yakhontov 7 has reported the preparation of (7h),ti T. L. Gilchrist and R. C . Storr, ' Organic Reactions andS. Klutchko, H. V. Hansen, and R. I. Meltzer, J . Org. Chem.,V. A. Azimov and L. N. Yakhontov, Khim. geterotsikl.Orbital Symmetry,' Cambridge University Press, 1972, p. 234.1965, 30, 3454.Soedinenii, 1973, 8581362 J.C.S. Perkin Iin unspecified yield, by a conventional Madelung synthe-sis from 2-fonnamido-3-methylpyrazine (14) and base.(111 R = NH,(12) R = N:CH.OEt(13 1 R = N: CH-NMePh(14) R = NH*CHOtWThe 1H n.m.r.spectrum of pyrrolo2,3-bpyrazine (7h)showed two pairs of doublets: one (J 2.6 Hz) at lowerfield attributed to the 5- and 6-H and one at higher field(J 3.5 Hz) from the 2- and 3-H. It seems likely that the3-H signal is at highest field 6 6.77 in (CD,),SQ and the2-H signal at 7.95, but assignment of the doubletscentred at 8.43 and 8.30 is uncertain. By analogy withindole it would be expected that the 5-H would show asthe higher field signal.8 All the pyrrolo2,3-bpyrazinesstudied gave a doublet in each of the ranges 8.234.53and 8.03-8.32 2.3-2.7 Hz) and showed a broadpeak (NH) in the range 11.57-12.60.The U.V.spectra of pyrrolopyrazine and the alkylderivatives show only two maxima, e.g. (7h) has maximaat 218 (log c 4.07) and 309 nm (3.80), corresponding tothe I and I11 bands of indole. The absorption maximumcorresponding to band I1 of indole is apparently absent,and this corresponds with the findings for pyrrolopyri-dines, for which it has been suggestedB that bands I1and I11 overlap.Pyrrolo2,3-bpyrazine-3-carbaldehyde (7i) was ob-tained by treatment of lH-pyrrolo2,3-bpyrazine (7h)with hexamethylenetetramine, and was identical withthe compound obtained by treatment of 2-amino-3-methylpyrazine with the Vilsmeier reagent.6 Mono-nitro- and -bromo-derivatives of (7h) were also obtained,and their lH n.m.r. spectra show the compounds to be2- or 3-substituted derivatives, but do not allow anunambiguous assignment of structure.On the evidencefrom the formylation experiment and more generalconsiderations, it is likely these products are the 3-substituted isomers (7j and k).The pyrazinoindole (15) was obtained by dehydrogen-ation of the tetrahydro-derivative (7g).EXPERIMENTAL1.r. and n.m.r. spectra were recorded as previouslydescribed.1deg; U.V. spectra were measured for ethanolicsolutions with a Unicam SP 800 spectrometer.* For details of Supplementary Publications see Notice t oAuthors No. 7 , J.C.S. Perkin I , 1975, Index issue.* P. J. Black and M. L. Heffernan, Austral. J . Chem., 1966,18, 353.Details of the pyrazinylhydrazones, their cyclisation, andthe properties of the pyrrol02,3-bpyrazines (7a-g) , (8),and (9) are given in Supplementary Publication No.SUP21746 (6 pp.).*Ethyl N- (3-Methy@yrazin-2-yZ) formimidate ( 12) .-2-Ami-no-3-methylpyrazine l1 (8.0 g), triethyl orthoformate (22 g),and ethanolic hydrogen chloride ( 6 ~ ; 0.76 ml) were heatedslowly to 145 OC, and ethanol was collected as the tempera-ture rose from 115 to 145 "C over 5 h. The excess of triethylorthoformate was distilled off and the residue distilledunder reduced pressure to give ethyl N-(3-methylpyrazin-2-y1)formimidate (8.0 g, 66), b.p. 106-108deg; a t 8 mmHg,vwx. (liq.) 1 636 cm-l (CZN), 6(CC14) 8.12 (1 H, d, J 2.0 Hz,(2 H, q, J 7.0 Hz, CH,), 2.52 (3 H, s, 3-CH3), and 1.40 (3 H,t, J 7.0 Hz, CH,). The formimidate was unstable and noelemental analysis was obtained.N1-Methyl-N2-( 3-metlayZpyrazin-2-yl) -N1-phenyZformami-dine (13).-The formimidate (12) (8.0 g) and N-methylani-line (10.4 g) were heated slowly a t 180 "C.Ethanol beganto distil off a t 110 "C and was collected over 2 h. Theexcess of methylaniline was distilled off (b.p. 88" a t 14mmHg). The residue solidified on cooling and was tritur-ated with petroleum (b.p. 40-60") to give the ainidine (13)(9.9 g, 91 yo), which crystallised from benzene-petroleum(b.p. 40-60") as needles, m.p. 83-83.5" (Found: C, 69.3;H, 6.2; N, 24.5. Cl3HI4N4 requires C, 69.0; H, 6.2; N,24.8), G(CDC1,) 8.94 (1 H, s, CH), 8.07 (2 H, s, 5- and G-H),7.30 (5 H, m, Ph), 3.58 (3 H, s, NCH,), 2.67 (3 H, s, 3-CH3).euro;iH-PyrroZo2,3-bpyrazi~e (7h) .-Freshly prepared soda-mide (3.2 g) was added to dry N-methylaniline (17.8 g) withstirring under a stream of nitrogen, and the suspension wasbrought slowly t o boiling.The mixture was refluxed for40 min and then a warm solution of the amidine (13) (9.0 g)in methylaniline (10 ml) was added over 15 min. The excessof methylaniline was distilled off a t atmospheric pressure.Water was added to the cooled residue and the mixturestirred for 1 h. After filtration, the solution was continu-ously extracted with ether overnight. The dried extractwas evaporated and a small quantity of N-methylanilinedistilled off under reduced pressure. The residue crystal-lised from benzene to give BH-~~rroZo2,3-bJ~yrazine (3.52 g,74), m.p.155-156' (sublimes) (Found: C, 60.2; H,4.2; N, 35.3; M , 119. C,H,N, requires C, 60.5; H, 4.20;N, 35.3; amp;I, 119), vmX. (KBr) 3 180 cm-l (NH), A,, 218(log E 4.07) and 309 nm (3.80), s(CD,),SO 12.13 (1 H, s,exchanged in D,O, NH), 8.43 (1 H, d, J 2.6 Hz, 5- or 6-H),8.30 (1 H, d, J 2.6 Hz, 5- or 6-H), 7.95 (1 H, d, J 3.5 Hz,2-H), and 6.77 (1 H, d, J 3.5 Hz, 3-H).Details of the 3-formyl-, 3-nitro-, and 3-bromo-5N-pyrrolo2,3-bpyrazines are given in the SupplementaryPublication.5H-Pyrazino2,3-bindoZe (15).-6,7,8,9-Tetrahydro-5H-pyrazino2,3-bindole ( 1.7 g), chloranil (4.9 g), and xylene(160 ml) were refluxed for 10 h. The solution was cooledand the precipitate collected and dissolved in dilute sodiumhydroxide solution. Extraction of this solution with etheryielded 5H-pyruzino2,3-bindoZe (0.44 g). A furtherquantity (0.2 g) was obtained when the xylene filtrate wasdiluted with ether, washed with alkali, and then water, andevaporated. The combined solids (40) were crystallised* R. E. Willette, Adv. Heterocyclic Chem., 1968, 9, 27.lo B. A. J. Clark, M. M. S. El-Bakoush, and J. Parrick, J.C.S.11 H. Gainer, amp;I. Kokorudz, and W. K. Langdon, J . Org.5-H), 7.98 (1 H, d, J 2.0 Hz, 6-H), 8.37 (1 H, S, N:CH), 4.40Perkin I , 1974, 1531.Chem., 1961, 26, 23601976 1363from benzene; m.p. 241-243" (Found: C, 70.6; H, 4.2;N, 24.6; M , 169. C,,H,N, requires C, 71.0; H, 4.1;N, 24.8; M , 169), Amax. 214 (log E 4.36), 244 (3.951, 261(4.00), and 319 nm (3.92), 8(CD3),S0 12.20 (1 H, s, ex-changed in D,O, NH), 8.50 (1 H, d, J 2.6 Hz, 2- or 3-H),8.37 (2 H, m, 2- or 3-H and 9-H), and 7.40 (3 H, m, 6-, 7-,and 8-euro;-I).6/ 1940 Received, 6th October, 1976
机译:1976 1361通过吡嗪酰腙的热环化形成某些取代的5H-吡咯并[2,3-b]吡嗪基腙和通往5H-吡嗪并[2,3-&]吲哚的途径;5H-吡咯碘[2,3-b]吡嗪的合成及其一些性质作者Bernard A. J. Clark, John Parrick,“ and (in part) Roderick J. J. Dorgan, School of Chemistry, Brunel吡嗪酰腙(6a-i)的热(非催化)环化导致吡嗪核的碳原子闭合,得到3-取代和2.3-二取代的5H-吡咯并[2,3-6]吡嗪(7a-g), (8)和(9)。6,7,8,9-四氢-5H-吡嗪并[2,3-6]吲哚(79)脱氢为母体吡嗪并[2,3-6]吲哚(1,5)。吡咯并[2,3-b]吡嗪(7h)已从2-氨基-3-甲基吡嗪中获得,并且已经研究了其一些性质。University, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PHWE 已经表明,吡啶酰腙可以环化以产生吡咯吡啶(氮杂吲哚).1*2 存在 Ar N H .N : CR .CH, R'( 1 ) Ar = 4-嘧啶基 L3-F: N NH( 3 )(2) Ar = 3-吡啶基H 'H(4 1 ( 5 )嘧啶、吡嗪和哒嗪的原子核中与吡啶啶相比,可望降低其杂芳酰腙的环化易程度。似乎有一些证据 3 支持这一观点:尽管已经报道了 4-嘧啶基腙 (1) topyrrolo[2,3-&jpyrimidines (3) 的一些成功环化反应,但转化通常不如相应的 2-吡啶酰腙顺利。这一发现最近得到了扩展和~证实.~ 热环化的机理尚未确定,但有人认为它可能是一个协同的pr0cess.~953-吡啶酰腙(2)主要产生吡咯并[3,2-b]-吡啶(a),通过环化形成到2位,只有少量的吡咯并[2,3-c]吡啶(5)在4位反应产生。这表明环氮原子附近位置的环化是有利的过程,并导致我们认为吡嗪酰腙 (6a-i) 可能在 3 位环化产生吡咯并[2,3-b]吡嗪的衍生物。在这项工作完成时,吡咯并[2,3-b]吡嗪核仅报道过一次。肼基吡嗪很容易转化为一系列固体腙(6a-i)。当这些吡嗪基腙在二乙二醇中的溶液回流时,氨就进化了,产物的元素分析与任何一种 A.H. Kellyand J. Parrick, 加拿大.化学, 1966,44, 2455.A. H. Kelly 和 J. Parrick, J .化学SOG.( C ) , 1970, 303.P. A. Crooks and B. Robinson, Canad. J .Chern., 1969, 47,T. D. Duffy 和 D. G. Wibberley, J.C.S. Perkin I I , 1974,2061.1921.吡咯并[2,3-b]吡嗪或异构咪唑并[L,2-a]-吡嗪(10)环系统。然而,所有分离产物的红外光谱显示,NH在3 125-3 200 cm-l区域有吸收。此外,n.m.r.谱图显示,由于吡嗪核的质子,只剩下两个信号,以及一个低场信号,在加入D20后可去除,从而证实了吡咯并[2,3-b]吡嗪结构(7a-i),(€9和(9)分配给这些新化合物。从2-氨基-3-甲基吡嗪(1,1)获得母体吡咯并[2,3-b]吡嗪(7h),收率为74%。用原甲酸三乙酯处理得到不稳定的N-(3-甲基吡嗪-2-基)甲酰亚胺酸乙酯(12)(66%),当用N-甲基苯胺在180“CH(6)a下加热时;R'=H,R2 =Mec;R' = R2=中值;R'=Ph,R2=我;R1=我,R2=Phf;R'= R2=Ph9;R' R2 = [CHdch;R2CH2-CR1 = 茚满-L-亚基 h;R' = R2 = 嗨 ;R2CH2 中。CR1 =1,234-四-(7)a;R' = H, R2 =Mec;R' =R2 =中值;R' = Ph,R2 =我;R1 =我,R2= Phf;R' = R 2 = Phg;R'和 R2= [CH2]4i;R' =H.R2=CH0j;R' = H,R2= NO2k;R' =H,R2=6rb;R'=H,R2=Ph b;R'=H,R2=邻苯甲基-1-萘亚基,容易得到W-met-hyl-N2-(3-me thylpyrazin-2-yl)-N1-phenylformamidine(13)。然后用N-甲基苯胺钠在180“C处理脒(13)。Storr,“有机反应和S。Klutchko、H. V. Hansen 和 R. I. Meltzer, J .Org. Chem.,V. A. Azimov 和 L. N. Yakhontov, Khim.格捷罗齐克尔。Orbital Symmetry,' Cambridge University Press, 1972, p. 234.1965, 30, 3454.Soedinenii, 1973, 8581362 J.C.S. Perkin Iin unspecified yield, by a conventional Madelung synthe-sis from 2-fonnamido-3-methylpyrazine (14) and base.(111 R = NH,(12) R = N:CH。OEt(13 1 R = N: CH-NMePh(14) R = NH*CHOtWT吡咯并[2,3-b]吡嗪(7h)的1H n.m.r.谱图显示有两对双峰:一对(J 2.6 Hz)在低场归因于5-和6-H,另一对在高场(J 3.5 Hz)归因于2-和3-H。3-H信号似乎可能处于最高场[6 6.77 in (CD,),SQ],2-H信号位于7.95,但双峰的分配在8.43和8.30是不确定的。通过吲哚内的类比,预计5-H将显示为更高的场信号.8所有研究的吡咯并[2,3-b]吡嗪在8.234.53和8.03-8.32 2.3-2.7 Hz范围内都给出了一个双峰,并在11.57-12.60范围内显示出一个宽峰(NH)。 例如,(7h) 具有最大值 218 (log c 4.07) 和 309 nm (3.80),对应于吲哚的 I 和 I11 能带。吲哚的谱带 I1 对应的最大吸收明显不存在,这与吡咯吡啶的发现相对应,其中 B 提出谱带 I1 和 I11 重叠。吡咯并[2,3-b]吡嗪-3-甲醛(7i)用六亚甲基四胺处理lH-吡咯并[2,3-b]吡嗪(7h)得到,与Vilsmeier试剂处理2-氨基-3-甲基吡嗪得到的化合物相同6,还获得了(7h)的单硝基和溴衍生物,它们的lH n.m.r.谱图显示这些化合物是2-或3-取代的衍生物,但不允许结构的明确分配。根据甲酰化实验的证据和更一般的考虑,这些产物很可能是 3-取代异构体(7j 和 k)。吡嗪吲哚(15)由四氢衍生物(7g)脱氢而得。如前所述记录了EXPERIMENTAL1.r.和n.m.r.光谱。使用Unicam SP 800光谱仪测量了乙醇溶液的1°紫外线光谱。Chem., 1966,18, 353.吡嗪基腙、它们的环化作用以及吡咯0[2,3-b]吡嗪(7a-g)、(8)和(9)的性质的详细信息在补充出版物第SUP21746号(6页)中给出。*将N-(3-Methy@yrazin-2-yZ)甲酰亚胺酸乙酯(12).-2-氨基-3-甲基吡嗪l1(8.0g),原甲酸三乙酯(22g)和乙醇氯化氢(6~0.76ml)缓慢加热至145°C,并在5小时内从115“C上升到145”C时收集乙醇。蒸出过量的原甲酸三乙酯,残余物减压蒸馏,得到N-(3-甲基吡嗪-2-y1)甲酰亚胺酸乙酯(8.0 g, 66%),沸点106-108° a t 8 mmHg,vwx。(liq.) 1 636 cm-l (CZN), 6(CC14) 8.12 (1 H, d, J 2.0 Hz,(2 H, q, J 7.0 Hz, CH,), 2.52 (3 H, s, 3-CH3), 和 1.40 (3 H,t, J 7.0 Hz, CH,).甲酰亚胺酸盐不稳定,无元素分析。N1-甲基-N2-(3-甲基吡嗪-2-基)-N1-苯乙酰甲胺-啶(13).-将甲酰亚胺酯(12)(8.0g)和N-甲基苯胺(10.4g)缓慢加热到t 180“C.乙醇开始蒸馏出t 110”C,并在2小时内收集。蒸出过量的甲基苯胺(b.p. 88“ a t 14mmHg)。残留物在冷却时凝固,并用石油(b.p.40-60“)研磨,得到由苯-石油(b.p.40-60”)结晶的ainidine(13)(9.9g,91年),以针状,熔点83-83.5“(发现:C,69.3;H, 6.2;N,24.5。Cl3HI4N4 需要 C, 69.0;H, 6.2;N,24.8%),G(CDC1,)8.94(1 H,s,CH),8.07(2 h,s,5-和G-H),7.30(5 h,m,Ph),3.58(3 h,s,NCH),2.67(3 h,s,3-CH3).€iH-PyrroZo[2,3-b]pyrazi~e (7h) .-将新鲜制备的苏打酰胺(3.2 g)加入干燥的N-甲基苯胺(17.8 g)中,在氮气流下搅拌, 并将悬浮液慢慢煮沸。将混合物回流40分钟,然后在15分钟内加入脒(13)(9.0g)在甲基苯胺(10ml)中的温溶液。过量的甲基苯胺是从t大气压中蒸馏出来的。向冷却的残渣中加入水,并将混合物搅拌1小时。过滤后,用乙醚连续萃取溶液过夜。将干燥的提取物蒸发,减压蒸出少量N-甲基苯胺。残余物由苯结晶得到BH-~~rroZo[2,3-bJ~yrazine(3.52 g,74%),熔点155-156'(升华)(所得:C,60.2;H,4.2;N, 35.3%;米 , 119.C,H,N,需要C,60.5;H, 4.20;N, 35.3%;&I,119),vmX。(KBr) 3 180 cm-l (NH), A,, 218(log E 4.07) 和 309 nm (3.80), s[(CD,),SO] 12.13 (1 H, s,交换为 D,O, NH), 8.43 (1 H, d, J 2.6 Hz, 5- 或 6-H),8.30 (1 H, d, J 2.6 Hz, 5- 或 6-H), 7.95 (1 H, d, J 3.5 Hz,2-H), 和 6.77(1 H、d、J 3.5 Hz、3-H)。3-甲酰基-3-硝基-和3-溴-5N-吡咯并[2,3-b]吡嗪的详细信息见补充出版物.5H-吡嗪并[2,3-b]吲哚Ze(15).-6,7,8,9-四氢-5H-吡嗪并[2,3-b]吲哚(1.7g),氯苯(4.9g)和二甲苯(160ml)回流10小时。将溶液冷却,收集沉淀并溶解在稀氢氧化钠溶液中。用乙醚产生的5H-吡嗪并[2,3-b]吲哚Ze(0.44g)提取该溶液。当二甲苯滤液用乙醚稀释,用碱洗涤,然后用水洗涤并蒸发时,再得到0.2g。合并固体 (40%) 结晶* R. E. Willette, Adv. Heterocyclic Chem., 1968, 9, 27.lo B. A. J. Clark, M. M. S. El-Bakoush, and J. Parrick, J.C.S.11 H. Gainer, &I. Kokorudz, and W. K.兰登,J .Org.5-H), 7.98 (1 H, d, J 2.0 Hz, 6-H), 8.37 (1 H, S, N:CH), 4.40Perkin I , 1974, 1531.Chem., 1961, 26, 23601976 1363来自苯;m.p. 241-243“(发现值:C,70.6;H, 4.2;N, 24.6%;米 , 169.C,,H,N,需要 C,71.0;H, 4.1;N,24.8%;M,169),Amax。214 (log E 4.36), 244 (3.951, 261(4.00), 和 319 nm (3.92), 8[(CD3),S0] 12.20 (1 H, s, ex-changed in D,O, NH), 8.50 (1 H, d, J 2.6 Hz, 2- 或 3-H), 8.37 (2 H, m, 2- 或 3-H 和 9-H) 和 7.40 (3 H, m, 6-, 7- 和 8-€-I)。1940 年 6 月 收稿日期: 1976 年 10 月 6 日




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