首页> 外文期刊>Journal of developmental and physical disabilities >The Impact of Emerging Liquid Preference in the Treatment of Liquid Refusal

The Impact of Emerging Liquid Preference in the Treatment of Liquid Refusal


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Treatment of liquid refusal in pediatric feeding disorders is essential for decreasing tube dependence, alleviating some medical conditions (e.g., constipation), and increasing caloric and nutritional intake (e.g., formulas). Although investigators have conducted edible preference assessments for solids, there are no studies to our knowledge in which investigators have evaluated liquid preference prior to and during treatment of liquid refusal. In the current study, we evaluated liquid preferences repeatedly over time during behavioral treatment for liquid refusal. Although none of the children demonstrated a preference for liquids during a paired-choice preference assessment, 2 of the 3 children showed a preference when we implemented an avoidance component. However, for all 3 children, latency to acceptance and inappropriate mealtime behavior decreased for liquids during behavioral treatment with undifferentiated responding between liquid types. Future research may evaluate the utility and correlation of liquid preference assessments preceding treatment for liquid refusal.
机译:治疗儿童喂养障碍中的液体排斥对于减少输卵管依赖性、缓解某些疾病(例如便秘)以及增加热量和营养摄入(例如配方奶粉)至关重要。尽管研究人员已经对固体进行了可食用偏好评估,但据我们所知,没有研究显示研究人员在液体拒绝治疗之前和期间评估了液体偏好。在目前的研究中,我们在液体拒绝行为治疗期间随着时间的推移反复评估了液体偏好。尽管在配对选择偏好评估中没有一个孩子表现出对液体的偏好,但当我们实施回避组件时,3 名儿童中有 2 名表现出偏好。然而,对于所有 3 名儿童,在行为治疗期间,液体的接受潜伏期和不适当的进餐时间行为减少,液体类型之间的反应没有差异。未来的研究可能会评估液体排斥治疗前液体偏好评估的效用和相关性。




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