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Maurice Hurel was born in Cherbourg during 1896. His father was a naval officer and this influenced his choice of career for, after gaining his baccalaureat, he entered the Ecole Navale in 1914 and graduated top of the 1917 class. Assigned to the French Navy, he asked for a transfer to the naval air arm, the Aeronautique Navale, that year and received his pilot's wings in 1918. He also qualified as a fighter pilot, likewise in record time. After the war he remained in the navy, attending the Ecole Superieure d'Aeronautique. His engineering thesis on high-aspect ratio wings earned him a diploma, albeit with a poor mark for the first time in his life. Afterwards he became a test pilot with the Commission d'Etudes Pratiques d'Aeronautique, the naval aviation test centre, at Saint-Raphael. He later commented, "it was the most interesting period of my time in the navy."
机译:莫里斯·胡雷尔(Maurice Hurel)于1896年出生于瑟堡。他的父亲是一名海军军官,这影响了他的职业选择,因为在获得学士学位后,他于 1914 年进入 Ecole Navale 并于 1917 年以第一名的成绩毕业。当年,他被分配到法国海军,要求调到海军航空兵 Aeronautique Navale,并于 1918 年获得了飞行员的机翼。他还获得了战斗机飞行员的资格,同样是在创纪录的时间内。战后,他留在海军,就读于Ecole Superieure d'Aeronautique。他关于高展弦比机翼的工程论文为他赢得了文凭,尽管这是他一生中第一次获得糟糕的分数。之后,他成为圣拉斐尔海军航空测试中心Commission d'Etudes Pratiques d'Aeronautique的试飞员。他后来评论说:“这是我在海军服役期间最有趣的时期。




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