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Evaluation of weed control in acetyl coA carboxylase-resistant rice with mixtures of quizalofop and auxinic herbicides


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Rice with enhanced tolerance to herbicides that inhibit acetyl coA carboxylase (ACCase) allows POST application of quizalofop, an ACCase-inhibiting herbicide. Two concurrent field studies were conducted in 2017 and 2018 near Stoneville, MS, to evaluate control of grass (Grass Study) and broadleaf (Broadleaf Study) weeds with sequential applications of quizalofop alone and in mixtures with auxinic herbicides applied in the first or second application. Sequential treatments of quizalofop were applied at 119 g ai ha(-1) alone and in mixtures with labeled rates of auxinic herbicides to rice at the two- to three-leaf (EPOST) or four-leaf to one-tiller (LPOST) growth stages. In the Grass Study, no differences in rice injury or control of volunteer rice ('CL151' and 'Rex') were detected 14 and 28 d after last application (DA-LPOST). Barnyardgrass control at 14 and 28 DA-LPOST with quizalofop applied alone or with auxinic herbicides EPOST was >= 93 for all auxinic herbicide treatments except penoxsulam plus triclopyr. Barnyardgrass control was >= 96 with quizalofop applied alone and with auxinic herbicides LPOST. In the Broadleaf Study, quizalofop plus florpyrauxifen-benzyl controlled more Palmer amaranth 14 DA-LPOST than other mixtures with auxinic herbicides, and control with this treatment was greater EPOST compared with LPOST. Hemp sesbania control 14 DA-LPOST was = 91 14 DA-LPOST. Florpyrauxifen-benzyl or triclopyr were required for volunteer soybean control >63 14 DA-LPOST. To optimize barnyardgrass control and rice yield, penoxsulam plus triclopyr and orthosulfamuron plus quinclorac should not be mixed with quizalofop. Quizalofop mixtures with auxinic herbicides are safe and effective for controlling barnyardgrass, volunteer rice, and broadleaf weeds in ACCase-resistant rice, and the choice of herbicide mixture could be adjusted based on weed spectrum in the treated field.
机译:对抑制乙酰辅酶A羧化酶(ACCase)的除草剂耐受性增强的水稻允许在后施用quizalofop,一种抑制ACCase的除草剂。2017 年和 2018 年在密西西比州斯通维尔附近同时进行了两项田间研究,以评估对草(草研究)和阔叶(阔叶研究)杂草的控制,连续单独施用喹唑草,以及与第一次或第二次施用的生长素除草剂混合使用。在2-3叶(EPOST)或4-1叶至一分蘖(LPOST)生长阶段,在水稻中单独施用119 g ai ha(-1)和与标记比例的生长素除草剂混合施用quizalofop。在禾草研究中,在最后一次施用后 14 天和 28 天(DA-LPOST)未检测到水稻损伤或志愿水稻('CL151' 和 'Rex')对照的差异。除戊虫磺草胺加三氯嘧啶外,所有生长素除草剂处理在14和28 DA-LPOST单独施用或与生长素除草剂EPOST一起施用的稗草控制率为>= 93%。稗草对照>= 96%,单独施用quizalofop和生长素除草剂LPOST。在阔叶研究中,quizalofop 加 florpyrauxifen-benzyl 比其他含有生长素除草剂的混合物控制了更多的 Palmer amaranth 14 DA-LPOST,并且与 LPOST 相比,该处理的控制效果更好。喹唑福普加喹氯酸 LPOST、邻磺胺酮加喹氯酸 LPOST 和三氯嘧啶 EPOST 或 LPOST 的大麻 sesbania 对照 14 DA-LPOST 为 = 91%14 DA-LPOST。Florpyrauxifen-benzyl 或 triclopyr 是自愿大豆控制 >63% 14 DA-LPOST 所必需的。为了优化稗草控制和水稻产量,戊磺草胺加三氯嘧啶和邻磺胺隆加喹氯酸不应与喹唑啉混用。Quizalofop与生长素类除草剂的复配液对抗ACCase水稻中的稗草、志愿水稻和阔叶杂草的防治是安全有效的,除草剂混合物的选择可以根据处理后的田地杂草谱进行调整。




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