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Quaternary sea-level changes: Contributions from the 32nd IGC


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The ten papers included in this volume, with the exception of that of Hanebuth et al. were all presented at the 32nd International Geological Congress held in Florence, Italy during August 20-28, 2004. These nine papers were from the two topical symposia; the Carbonate Shelves Symposium (one) and the Sea-level Changes Symposium (eight). The latter symposium was organized with the support of the Commission on Coastal and Marine Processes, International Union for Quaternary Research and International Geological Correlation Programme Project 464 'Continental shelves during the last glacial cycle'. Papers from two sessions were included: Session T34.01 Sea level during the last inter glacial, co-convened by F. Antonioli and K. Lambeck, and Session T34.02 Sea-level change since the last glacial maximum, co-convened by W. Yim and T. Hanebuth. It was through discussions in Florence between Antonioli and Yim that a decision was made to publish selected papers in a special issue of Quaternary International. A broad range of topics on Quaternary sea-level changes from the last interglacial to the present is covered by the papers.




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