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A veterinary manuscript dated 1880, composed and used by a family of mainly lay therapists

机译:一份 1880 年的兽医手稿,由一个主要由非专业治疗师组成的家庭撰写和使用

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A manuscript on veterinary knowledge and skills as practiced by laymen in previous centuries is described, using a copy dated 1880 but with parts that are probably older. It was made and owned by members of the Bouckaert family from Waregem, who were well known in the veterinary practice and horsemanship circles of that time. Some of them were among the first official veterinary surgeons and certified 'farrier-veterinarians' (marechaux-veterinaires) in Belgium during the nineteenth century. During successive generations, the older family fathers were also involved in the treatment of humans, while the care of animals was left to the sons. The very orderly presented contents of the manuscript show a curious mixture of veterinary science, as contained in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century textbooks, intermixed with folk remedies, including oaths and semi-religious vows. Particular attention is given to pigeon diseases. A separate chapter contains succinct descriptions of some greatly feared contagious animal diseases, which were the domain of university trained veterinary 'experts'. A text fragment on canine distemper is given as an example of accurate description of symptoms, with warnings on prognosis and futile treatment attempts.
机译:书中描述了一份关于前几个世纪外行实践的兽医知识和技能的手稿,使用的是一份日期为 1880 年的副本,但部分可能更旧。它是由来自瓦勒海姆的 Bouckaert 家族成员制造和拥有的,他们在当时的兽医实践和马术界享有盛誉。他们中的一些人是 19 世纪比利时第一批官方兽医和认证的“蹄铁兽医”(marechaux-veterinaires)。在历代人中,年长的家庭父亲也参与了人类的治疗,而动物的照顾则留给了儿子们。手稿内容非常有条理,展示了 18 世纪和 19 世纪教科书中兽医科学的奇特混合,并夹杂着民间疗法,包括誓言和半宗教誓言。特别注意鸽子疾病。另一章简明扼要地描述了一些非常可怕的传染性动物疾病,这些疾病是受过大学培训的兽医“专家”的领域。以犬瘟热为题,以准确描述症状为例,对预后和徒劳的治疗尝试发出警告。




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