首页> 外文期刊>Journal of developmental and physical disabilities >Multiple-Stimulus without Replacement Preference Assessment: Reducing the Number of Sessions to Identify Preferred Stimuli

Multiple-Stimulus without Replacement Preference Assessment: Reducing the Number of Sessions to Identify Preferred Stimuli


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Multiple-stimulus without replacement (MSWO) is a systematic direct assessment method used to identify preferred items and activities that may serve as reinforcers for behavior reduction or skill acquisition programs. DeLeon and Iwata (Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 29, 519-532, 1996) validated the original MSWO procedures that consisted of using an average of rank order preference of stimuli across 5-sessions. Carr et al. (Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 33, 353-357. doi:10.1901/jaba.2000.33-353, 2000) extended research on the MSWO by suggesting that 1 to 3 sessions may be sufficient to identify preferred stimuli. The current study extended theses results by systematically examining the degree of correlation between 5-session MSWOs and 1, 2, 3, and 4-session MSWOs for nine adults with intellectual disabilities. For edible and activity 5-session MSWOs, 3 sessions were significantly and positively correlated with the outcomes from the 5-session MSWOs for all participants. Results are discussed in terms of potential financial cost and time saving by reducing the number of MSWO sessions, especially in clinical settings where frequent preference assessments are conducted prior to therapy sessions.
机译:多重刺激无替代 (MSWO) 是一种系统的直接评估方法,用于确定可能作为行为减少或技能习得计划的强化因素的首选项目和活动。DeLeon 和 Iwata (Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 29, 519-532, 1996) 验证了原始的 MSWO 程序,该程序包括在 5 个会话中使用刺激的排名顺序偏好的平均值。Carr et al. (Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 33, 353-357. doi:10.1901/jaba.2000.33-353, 2000) 扩展了对 MSWO 的研究,建议 1 到 3 次治疗可能足以确定首选刺激。目前的研究通过系统地检查 9 名智障成年人的 5 次 MSWO 与 1、2、3 和 4 次 MSWO 之间的相关程度来扩展这些结果。对于可食用和活动 5 节 MSWO,3 节课与所有参与者的 5 节课 MSWO 的结果显着呈正相关。通过减少 MSWO 会议的次数,特别是在在治疗会议前进行频繁偏好评估的临床环境中,从潜在的财务成本和节省时间的角度讨论了结果。




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