
Influences of home kitchen designs on indoor air quality


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Kitchen indoor air quality (IAQ) has not been well-addressed amongst other IAQ problems at home, despite the fact that cooking is one of the major home activities that can generate high levels of respirable particles and gaseous air pollutants. This study aims at investigating the effects of home kitchen designs on the performance of various ventilation strategies in reducing exposure to IAQ pollutants. The degree of natural ventilation was found to be dependent largely on the relative position of window and door opening, and using mixed ventilation with natural cross-ventilation and mechanical ventilation did not necessarily provide better ventilation. Natural ventilation with the added fume extraction by the exhaust fan could not protect the occupants from high levels of cooking pollutants. Range hood on the other hand could quickly and locally remove particles and gaseous cooking pollutants from the source. The study recommends using a range hood alone during cooking or with single-side natural ventilation to maintain an acceptable IAQ in the home kitchen.
机译:厨房室内空气质量 (IAQ) 在家中的其他室内空气质量问题中并没有得到很好的解决,尽管烹饪是主要的家庭活动之一,会产生高水平的可吸入颗粒物和气态空气污染物。本研究旨在探讨家庭厨房设计对各种通风策略在减少室内空气质素污染物摄入方面的表现的影响。自然通风的程度很大程度上取决于门窗开口的相对位置,使用自然对流通风和机械通风的混合通风并不一定能提供更好的通风。通过排气扇增加排烟的自然通风无法保护居住者免受高浓度烹饪污染物的侵害。另一方面,抽油烟机可以快速、局部地从源头去除颗粒和气态烹饪污染物。该研究建议在烹饪过程中单独使用抽油烟机或单侧自然通风,以保持家庭厨房可接受的室内空气质量。




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