首页> 外文期刊>cytogenetic and genome research >Tandem and centric fusions in the chromosomal evolution of the South American phyllotines of the genusiAuliscomys/i(Rodentia, Cricetidae)

Tandem and centric fusions in the chromosomal evolution of the South American phyllotines of the genusiAuliscomys/i(Rodentia, Cricetidae)

机译:Tandem and centric fusions in the chromosomal evolution of the South American phyllotines of the genusiAuliscomys/i(Rodentia, Cricetidae)



The karyotypes of three of the four extant species of the genus Auliscomys {A. micropus, living in central [2n = 32, NF = 34] and southern [2n = 34, NF = 36, 37] Chile; A sublimis [2n = 28, NF = 32] and A. boliviensis [2n = 22, NF = 32], which inhabit the Andean Altiplano) were analyzed. Comparisons of G-, C-, and AgNOR-banded karyotypes showed that extensive conservation of entire chromosomes and chromosomal regions had occurred during the evolution of this genus, with centromere-telomere tandem fusions and centric fusions probably being the most frequent chromosome changes. A chromosomal phylogeny, based on the chromosome homoeologies detected and parsimonious analysis of the nature and distribution of the inferred chromosomal changes, is proposed. This hypothetical phylogeny assumes that the ancestral telocentric karyotype would have undergone three consecutive tandem fusions, first originating the 2n = 32 (NF = 34) karyomorph exhibited by present-day specimens of A. micropus captured in central Chile and then the 2n = 28 (NF = 32) karyotype of A. sublimis. Subsequent centric fusions involving the tandemfusion products would presumably have generated the 2n = 22 (NF = 32) A. boliviensis karyotype. Assuming some conditions related to early geographic distribution, this chromosomal phylogeny is in agreement with a paleogeographic model, which explains the present distribution of living Auliscomys species mainly on the basis of geologic and climatic events. Given the drastic reproductive isolating effects previously reported for tandem fusions, as well as the cumulative nondisjunction and malsegregation effects likely caused by multiple, simultaneous centric fusions, we believe that both tandem and centric fusions played a causal role in the speciation of Auliscomys.




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