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Multiobjective Evolutionary Approach to the Design of Optimal Controllers for Interval Plants via Parallel Computation


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Design of optimal controllers satisfying performance criteria of minimum tracking error and disturbance level for an interval system using a multi-objective evolutionary approach is proposed in this paper. Based on a worst-case design philosophy, the design problem is formulated as a minimax optimization problem, subsequently solved by a proposed two-phase multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA). By using two sets of interactive genetic algorithms where the first one determines the maximum (worst-case) cost function values for a given set of controller parameters while the other one minimizes the maximum cost function values passed from the first genetic algorithm, the proposed approach evolution-arily derives the optimal controllers for the interval system. To suitably assess chromosomes for their fitness in a population, root locations of the 32 generalized Kharitonov polynomials will be used to establish a constraints handling mechanism, based on which a fitness function can be constructed for effective evaluation of the chromosomes. Because of the time-consuming process that genetic algorithms generally exhibit, particularly the problem nature of minimax optimization, a parallel computation scheme for the evolutionary approach in the MATLAB-based working environment is also proposed to accelerate the design process.
机译:该文提出采用多目标演化方法的区间系统满足最小跟踪误差和扰动水平性能准则的最优控制器设计。基于最坏情况的设计理念,将设计问题表述为极小极值优化问题,然后通过提出的两阶段多目标遗传算法(MOGA)进行求解。通过使用两组交互式遗传算法,其中第一组确定给定控制器参数集的最大(最坏情况)成本函数值,而另一组最小化从第一遗传算法传递的最大成本函数值,所提出的方法进化推导出区间系统的最优控制器。为了适当地评估染色体在群体中的适应度,将使用 32 个广义 Kharitonov 多项式的根位置来建立约束处理机制,并在此基础上构建适应度函数以有效评估染色体。由于遗传算法通常表现出耗时的过程,特别是极小极值优化的问题性质,该文还提出了一种基于MATLAB的工作环境中演化方法的并行计算方案,以加快设计过程。




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