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The framing of malnutrition by parliamentarians in Uganda


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The quest for political commitment to reducing malnutrition in sub-Sahara Africa draws attention to the role of national parliamentarians. Whereas parliamentarians have the authority to ratify legislation, monitor policies and budgets and transform behaviour, to date little is known about how malnutrition is understood and debated in sub-Saharan African political arenas. This study addresses that gap by exploring how (mal)nutrition has been framed by parliamentarians in Uganda between 2001 and 2017. Applying framing theory we performed a qualitative content analysis of 131 Parliament Hansards transcripts to determine the different meanings of nutrition. Our analysis distinguishes seven co-occurring frames that entail different, sometimes competing, understandings of the drivers and possible solutions of malnutrition. The frames are: (i) the emergency nutrition frame, (ii) the chronic vulnerability frame, (iii) the school feeding frame, (iv) the disease-related frame, (v) the diversification frame, (vi) the overnutrition (among politicians) frame and (vii) the poverty and inequality frame. These frames are sponsored by different groups of parliamentarians, most notably politicians representing constituencies with high degrees of malnutrition, the president, some ministers and politicians in parliamentary forums concerned with children and women issues. Our analysis helps to understand why policy measures get prioritized or disregarded by policymakers. Overall, we show that frame sponsors prioritize short-term tangible solutions, such as food assistance and agricultural inputs, over longer term solutions. We suggest that a more comprehensive policy frame is prerequisite to developing a more effective governance approach to malnutrition in Uganda.
机译:寻求政治承诺以减少撒哈拉以南非洲的营养不良,使人们注意到各国议员的作用。虽然议员有权批准立法、监督政策和预算以及改变行为,但迄今为止,人们对撒哈拉以南非洲政治舞台上如何理解和辩论营养不良问题知之甚少。本研究通过探讨 2001 年至 2017 年间乌干达议员如何构建(营养不良)来弥补这一差距。应用框架理论,我们对 131 份议会议事录进行了定性内容分析,以确定营养的不同含义。我们的分析区分了七个同时发生的框架,这些框架需要对营养不良的驱动因素和可能的解决方案有不同的、有时是相互竞争的理解。这些框架是:(i)紧急营养框架,(ii)慢性脆弱性框架,(iii)学校供餐框架,(iv)与疾病有关的框架,(v)多样化框架,(vi)营养过剩(政治家)框架和(vii)贫困和不平等框架。这些框架由不同的议员群体发起,其中最引人注目的是代表营养不良程度严重的选区的政治家、总统、一些部长和议会论坛上关心儿童和妇女问题的政治家。我们的分析有助于理解为什么政策制定者优先考虑或忽视政策措施。总体而言,我们发现框架赞助商优先考虑短期有形解决方案,例如粮食援助和农业投入,而不是长期解决方案。我们认为,制定更有效的治理办法解决乌干达营养不良问题,必须制定更全面的政策框架。




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