首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Medical Directors Association >An Antibiotic Prescription Induces Resistance at the Individual Level More Than the Group Level

An Antibiotic Prescription Induces Resistance at the Individual Level More Than the Group Level


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To the Editor: An unnecessary antibiotic prescription may be viewed as a time bomb that may detonate in the recipient as a Clostridium difficile or antibiotic-resistant infection in subsequent months. Antibiotic utilization selects multidrug-resistant bacteria in both the individual and the facility.1'2 Many practitioners view an antibiotic prescription as a benefit to the individual at the expense of the group. However, an unnecessary antibiotic prescription hurts the INDIVIDUAL. The intensity of the damage and disruption of bacterial flora may be greater in the individual who received the antibiotic than at the group level, according to data from a hospital ward and Scottish general practice.3'4 This is an important risk-benefit consideration when contemplating antibiotic therapy for an individual. For example, Rotjanapan et al5 found that 11 (12) of 96 residents who received an antibiotic for suspected urinary tract infection (UTI) developed C difficile colitis within 3 weeks of treatment. Inpatient quinolone therapy in the preceding 30 days increased the odds that a symptomatic UTI was caused by a quinolone-resistant organism 16 times.6
机译:致编辑:不必要的抗生素处方可能被视为一颗定时炸弹,可能会在随后的几个月内以艰难梭菌或抗生素耐药性感染的形式在接受者体内引爆。抗生素利用在个人和设施中选择多重耐药细菌.1'2 许多从业者认为抗生素处方是以牺牲群体为代价对个人有益的。然而,不必要的抗生素处方会伤害个人。根据医院病房和苏格兰全科诊所的数据,接受抗生素治疗的个体对细菌菌群的损害和破坏的强度可能大于群体水平.3'4 在考虑对个体进行抗生素治疗时,这是一个重要的风险收益考虑因素。例如,Rotjanapan 等人5 发现,在接受抗生素治疗疑似尿路感染 (UTI) 的 96 名居民中,有 11 名 (12%) 在治疗后 3 周内发生艰难梭菌结肠炎。前 30 天内住院治疗使喹诺酮类耐药微生物引起症状性尿路感染的几率增加了 16 倍6。




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