首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Immunology: Official Journal of the American Association of Immunologists >Early Is the Key for Treatment of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency

Early Is the Key for Treatment of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency


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Born seemingly healthy and sent home with their families, 2 decades ago infants with SCID were typically not diagnosed with their fatal disease until they developed recurrent and severe infections months later. Hematopoi-etic stem cell (HSC) transplantation (HSCT), also known as bone marrow transplantation, was established as an effective treatment for SCID by the 1980s. However, without a family history or an astute clinician familiar with this rare disease, infants frequendy died prior to diagnosis and transplantation. Children who received a diagnosis often had malnutrition and critical illness at the time of transplantation, leading to morbidity and mortality. Dr. Rebecca H. Buckley and colleagues hypothesized that treatment of these babies very early in life, prior to developing infections, would improve outcomes. In this Pillars of Immunology article, the study of infants who received HSCT in the first month of life compared with those treated later paved the way for early diagnosis and treatment of children with SCID (1).
机译:20年前,患有SCID的婴儿出生时看似健康,并与家人一起被送回家,直到几个月后出现复发性和严重感染,他们通常不会被诊断出患有致命疾病。血干细胞 (HSC) 移植 (HSCT),也称为骨髓移植,在 1980 年代被确立为治疗 SCID 的有效方法。然而,由于没有家族史或熟悉这种罕见疾病的精明临床医生,婴儿在诊断和移植之前就经常死亡。接受诊断的儿童在移植时通常患有营养不良和危重疾病,导致发病率和死亡率。Rebecca H. Buckley博士及其同事假设,在生命的早期,即发生感染之前,对这些婴儿进行治疗将改善结果。在这篇《免疫学支柱》文章中,对出生后第一个月接受 HSCT 的婴儿与后来接受治疗的婴儿进行了比较的研究,为早期诊断和治疗 SCID 患儿铺平了道路 (1)。




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