首页> 外文期刊>Mathematical Problems in Engineering: Theory, Methods and Applications >Multicriteria Model Based on FITradeoff Method for Prioritizing Sections of Brazilian Roads by Criticality

Multicriteria Model Based on FITradeoff Method for Prioritizing Sections of Brazilian Roads by Criticality


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Three of the most important objectives of the Federal Road Police (Patrol) when managing the traffic on federal roads in Brazil are to ensure that there is an efficient movement of traffic under stable conditions and minimal traffic congestion problems that the federal highways are safe and that accidents do not occur. Therefore, multiple matters are relevant for road safety and user security, such as prompt maintenance of these highways, regular monitoring of their state of conservation and their characteristics; controlling the traffic; and preventing and combatting criminal activities on the highways. However, considering the vast network and different conditions of roads, the different types of traffic accidents and their consequences, and different levels of violence on federal roads, it is essential that these roads undergo regular maintenance and regular inspections, are constantly patrolled, and are subject to continuous improvements. Therefore, defining the prioritization and criticality of roads takes on the characteristics of a multicriteria decision, given the multidimensional aspects of the risks inherent in them. Thus, this paper presents a multicriteria decision model for prioritizing road sections, based on their criticality and the risks that users face. The model was applied using the FITradeoff method, due to its flexibility and due to it requiring less cognitive effort from the decision-maker with regard to providing information regarding his/her preferences. A case study was undertaken on a set of the federal roads of the state of Pernambuco (Brazil), covering 22 different sections with different characteristics. As a result, it was possible to rank and identify the most critical sections of a highway. The use of FITradeoff gave support to decision-making on ordering the sections and also let a general analysis of the data be undertaken.
机译:联邦道路警察(巡逻队)在管理巴西联邦公路上的交通时最重要的三个目标是确保在稳定的条件下有效交通,并将交通拥堵问题降至最低,联邦高速公路是安全的,不会发生事故。因此,与道路安全和用户安全相关的多个事项,例如及时维护这些高速公路,定期监测其保护状况和特征;控制交通;以及预防和打击高速公路上的犯罪活动。然而,考虑到庞大的网络和不同的道路状况,不同类型的交通事故及其后果,以及联邦道路上不同程度的暴力,这些道路必须进行定期维护和定期检查,不断巡逻,并不断改进。因此,考虑到道路固有风险的多维方面,确定道路的优先级和关键性具有多标准决策的特征。因此,本文提出了一个多标准决策模型,用于根据路段的关键性和用户面临的风险对路段进行优先级排序。该模型使用FITradeoff方法应用,因为它具有灵活性,并且由于在提供有关他/她的偏好的信息方面,决策者需要较少的认知努力。对伯南布哥州(巴西)的一组联邦公路进行了案例研究,涵盖了 22 个具有不同特征的不同路段。因此,可以对高速公路最关键的路段进行排名和识别。FITradeoff的使用为各部分的排序决策提供了支持,并允许对数据进行一般分析。




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