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The Careful Pilot


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Exercising care in your flying involves more than just setting personal limits or adhering to the FARs. Being a careful pilot should be a frame of mind. He's such a careful pilot." What does that mean? For some, it conjures the image of a high-time airline captain, confident and astute at the command of a massive airliner and providing a ride with nary a bump to ripple the drinks or rouse from sleep the hundreds aloft under his or her care. For others the "careful pilot" never flies a single-engine airplane at night, never flies into IMC after dark, and avoids flights over mountainous terrain or water. At another extreme, many might not think of the aggressive fighter jock or low-level aerobatics pilot as being "careful," even though their survival requires exercising the greatest care. And, I'd like to think most pilots consider their instructors to be "careful pilots."
机译:在飞行中要小心谨慎,而不仅仅是设定个人限制或遵守 FAR。做一个小心翼翼的飞行员应该是一种心态。他是一个非常谨慎的飞行员。那是什么意思?对于一些人来说,它让人联想到一个高龄的航空公司机长的形象,在一架大型客机的指挥下自信而精明,并在他或她的照顾下提供一次没有颠簸的飞行,以涟漪饮料或从睡梦中唤醒数百人。对于其他人来说,“小心翼翼的飞行员”从不在夜间驾驶单引擎飞机,从不在天黑后飞入IMC,并避免在山区或水域上空飞行。在另一个极端,许多人可能不认为咄咄逼人的战斗机运动员或低空特技飞行员是“小心翼翼”的,即使他们的生存需要最小心。而且,我想大多数飞行员都认为他们的教官是“谨慎的飞行员”。




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