首页> 外文期刊>Weed technology: A journal of the Weed Science Society of America >Evaluating Cover Crops and Herbicides for Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Control in Cotton

Evaluating Cover Crops and Herbicides for Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Control in Cotton

机译:评估覆盖作物和除草剂对棉花中抗草甘膦苋菜(Amaranthus palmeri)的控制

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Glyphosate-resistant (GR) weeds, especially GR Palmer amaranth, are very problematic in cotton-producing areas of the midsouthern region of the United States. Growers rely heavily on PRE residual herbicides to control Palmer amaranth since few effective POST options exist. Interest in integrating high-residue cover crops with existing herbicide programs to combat GR weeds has increased. Research was conducted in 2013 and 2014 in Tennessee to evaluate GR Palmer amaranth control when integrating cover crops and PRE residual herbicides. Cereal rye, crimson clover, hairy vetch, winter wheat, and combinations of one grass plus one legume were compared with winter weeds without a cover crop followed by fluometuron or acetochlor applied PRE. Biomass of cover crops was determined prior to termination 3 wk before planting. Combinations of grass and legume cover crops accumulated the most biomass (> 3,500 kg ha(-1)) but by 28 d after application (DAA) the cereal rye and wheat provided the best Palmer amaranth control. Crimson clover and hairy vetch treatments had the greatest number of Palmer amaranth. These cereal and legume blends reduced Palmer amaranth emergence by half compared to non-cover-treated areas. Fluometuron and acetochlor controlled Palmer amaranth 95 and 89, respectively, at 14 DAA and 54 and 62, respectively, at 28 DAA. Cover crops in combination with a PRE herbicide did not adequately control Palmer amaranth.
机译:抗草甘膦 (GR) 杂草,尤其是 GR Palmer 苋菜,在美国中南部地区的棉花产区非常成问题。种植者严重依赖 PRE 残留除草剂来控制棕榈苋菜,因为几乎没有有效的 POST 选择。将高残留覆盖作物与现有除草剂计划相结合以对抗遗传资源杂草的兴趣有所增加。2013 年和 2014 年在田纳西州进行了研究,以评估 GR Palmer 苋菜在整合覆盖作物和 PRE 残留除草剂时的控制。将谷物黑麦、深红三叶草、毛茸茸的紫云英、冬小麦以及一种草加一种豆科植物的组合与没有覆盖作物的冬季杂草进行比较,然后施用氟甲磺隆或乙草胺。覆盖作物的生物量在种植前3周终止前测定。禾草和豆科植物覆盖作物的组合积累了最多的生物量(>3,500 kg ha(-1)),但在施用后28 d(DAA)时,谷物黑麦和小麦提供了最好的棕榈苋科控制。深红三叶草和毛茸茸的紫云英处理的棕榈苋菜数量最多。与未经覆盖处理的区域相比,这些谷物和豆类混合物将棕榈苋的出苗减少了一半。氟甲磺隆和乙草胺在14 DAA时分别控制了95%和89%的棕榈苋菜,在28 DAA时分别控制了54%和62%。覆盖作物与PRE除草剂联合使用不能充分控制Palmer苋菜。




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