首页> 外文期刊>Journal of optical technology >Compensation of the towing noise of a fiber-optic streamer using an additional interferometer

Compensation of the towing noise of a fiber-optic streamer using an additional interferometer


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One of the significant factors affecting the operation of fiber-optic towed streamers is towing noise, which is caused by the varying speed of the towing vessel and the resistance of the buoys and the floating anchor of the streamer during towing. In this study, a method for compensating the towing noise of a fiber-optic streamer is proposed. The proposed method entails independent measurement of the towing noise using an additional interferometer and subtraction of its signal from the signals of the fiber-optic hydrophones of the streamer. The experimental results show that the towing noise can be reduced to 70 in the frequency range of 0-40 Hz. (C) 2021 Optics Publishing Group
机译:影响光纤拖曳飘带运行的重要因素之一是拖曳噪声,这是由于拖曳船的速度变化以及拖曳过程中浮标和飘带浮锚的阻力引起的。该文提出一种补偿光纤流光拖曳噪声的方法。所提出的方法需要使用额外的干涉仪独立测量拖曳噪声,并从流光的光纤水听器信号中减去其信号。实验结果表明,在0-40 Hz频率范围内,拖曳噪声可降低至70%。 (C) 2021 光学出版集团



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