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Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory condition with a relapsing and remitting course. It has a complex aetiology, involving genetic, environmental and immunological components. Psoriasis has important associations with arthritis and cardiovascular disease, therefore a comprehensive understanding of the condition is important for all GPs. Psycho-social wellbeing is also commonly affected. A wide variety of topical treatments for psoriasis can be initiated in primary care, alongside assessment and treatment of conditions associated with the disease. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory condition with immune and genetic involvement; it affects over 125 000 000 people across the world and both genders equally (Greb et al., 2016). In the UK, over 2.8 of the population is affected, and the prevalence is slowly increasing (Springate et al., 2017). Environmental factors associated with the onset and course of the disease include: smoking, infection, stress, alcohol intake, medications, diet, obesity and excessive ultra-violet exposure (Zeng et al., 2017). Psoriasis may present in multiple ways; the most common form is with chronic stable plaques (psoriasis vulgaris). Other presentations include guttate, pustular, erythrodermic and inverse psoriasis. Assessment tools can be used easily in practice to help evaluate and monitor disease severity (Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI)) and psychosocial impact (Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) score). Treatments should depend on the type, severity and psycho-social impact of psoriasis on the patient.
机译:牛皮癣是一种慢性炎症性疾病,具有复发和缓解过程。它具有复杂的病因,涉及遗传、环境和免疫成分。牛皮癣与关节炎和心血管疾病有重要关联,因此全面了解该病症对所有全科医生都很重要。银屑病的多种局部治疗可以在初级保健中启动,同时评估和治疗与该疾病相关的疾病。牛皮癣是一种慢性炎症性疾病,与免疫和遗传有关;它对全世界超过125 000 000人的影响,男女平等(Greb et al.,2016)。在英国,超过 2.8% 的人口受到影响,患病率正在缓慢增加(Springate 等人,2017 年)。与疾病的发作和病程相关的环境因素包括:吸烟、感染、压力、酒精摄入、药物、饮食、肥胖和过度紫外线暴露(Zeng 等人,2017 年)。牛皮癣可能以多种方式出现;最常见的形式是慢性稳定斑块(寻常型银屑病)。其他表现包括点滴状银屑病、脓疱型、红皮病型银屑病和反向银屑病。评估工具在实践中可以很容易地用于帮助评估和监测疾病严重程度(银屑病面积和严重程度指数 (PASI))和社会心理影响(皮肤科生活质量指数 (DLQI) 评分)。治疗应取决于银屑病的类型、严重程度和对患者的心理社会影响。




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