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Editorial I don't know why she does it?


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Lockdown lifted, but as anticipated, life and work are different and challenging. Several weeks of regular clapping for the NHS was surely more than might have been expected and fraught with the possibility of a less than enthusiastic aftermath. The Daily Telegraph of 14 July featured Alison Pearson's regular column trumpeting support for her opinion, expressed a week earlier, that the NHS had abandoned patients in need to cope with COVID-19. GPs were singled out for harsh criticism. This is at odds with the experience of working throughout lockdown to provide care for patients, physically ill or very anxious, but very reluctant to come anywhere near a doctor's surgery.
机译:封锁解除了,但正如预期的那样,生活和工作是不同的和具有挑战性的。为NHS鼓掌的几个星期肯定比预期的要多,并且充满了不那么热情的后果的可能性。7 月 14 日的《每日电讯报》刊登了艾莉森·皮尔森 (Alison Pearson) 的定期专栏文章,大肆宣扬支持她一周前表达的观点,即 NHS 已经放弃了需要应对 COVID-19 的患者。全科医生被挑出来进行严厉批评。这与在整个封锁期间为身体不适或非常焦虑的患者提供护理,但非常不愿意靠近医生手术的经验不一致。




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