首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Clinical Investigation: The Official Journal of the American Society for Clinical Investigation >A complex role for the progesterone receptor in the response to vascular injury.

A complex role for the progesterone receptor in the response to vascular injury.


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Clinical studies of hormone replacement therapy to prevent cardiovascular diseases have heightened interest in the cardiovascular effects of progestins. However, the role of the progesterone receptor (PR) in vascular biology has not been studied in vivo. We studied ovariectomized female PR knockout (PRKO) mice and their wild-type (WT) littermates using the mouse carotid artery injury model. Placebo-treated PRKO mice showed significantly greater vascular medial hypertrophy and vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation in response to vascular injury than did WT mice. Progesterone had no significant effect in the PRKO mice, but worsened the response to injury in WT mice. VSMCs cultured from PRKO mouse aortae were markedly hyperproliferative, and their growth was not affected by progesterone. In contrast to the in vivo findings, progesterone inhibited proliferation of WT-derived VSMCs. Furthermore, reintroduction of PR into PRKO-derived VSMCs using adenoviral methods restored progesterone-mediated inhibition of proliferation to these cells. This effect was reversed by the PR antagonist, RU 486. Thus, the effects of PR and progesterone differ markedly between cultured VSMCs and intact blood vessels. These data demonstrate a direct role for the PR in regulating the response to vascular injury and VSMC proliferation.
机译:激素替代疗法预防心血管疾病的临床研究提高了人们对孕激素对心血管影响的兴趣。然而,黄体酮受体(PR)在血管生物学中的作用尚未在体内进行研究。我们使用小鼠颈动脉损伤模型研究了卵巢切除雌性 PR 敲除 (PRKO) 小鼠及其野生型 (WT) 同窝小鼠。安慰剂治疗的PRKO小鼠在血管损伤反应中显示出明显更大的血管内侧肥大和血管平滑肌细胞(VSMC)增殖,而不是WT小鼠。黄体酮对PRKO小鼠没有显着影响,但恶化了WT小鼠对损伤的反应。从PRKO小鼠主动脉培养的VSMCs具有明显的过度增殖性,其生长不受孕酮的影响。与体内研究结果相反,黄体酮抑制了WT衍生的VSMC的增殖。此外,使用腺病毒方法将 PR 重新引入 PRKO 衍生的 VSMC 中,恢复了黄体酮介导的对这些细胞增殖的抑制。PR拮抗剂RU 486逆转了这种效应。因此,PR和孕酮的作用在培养的VSMC和完整血管之间有显着差异。这些数据表明 PR 在调节对血管损伤和 VSMC 增殖的反应中起直接作用。




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